Birthing the Great Harvest: Ignited and Awakened to Gather by Brian Britton

By Brian Britton


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Luke 10:2 "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."


2011 seems to be flying by! There is no doubt that we are in a time of acceleration and the reaper is overtaking the plowman. Many in the kingdom are being drawn into places of deep intimacy and experiencing great times of refreshing in God's Presence. Whole regions are beginning to experience breakthrough and revival. In my own church in Virginia, we just finished 30 straight days of meetings as the Holy Spirit met us in powerful ways night after night..


Towards the end of this 30 day period where we were in the glory of God for extended periods of time each day, the Lord showed me an open vision detailing 2 distinct but overlapping seasons in the church of this generation. These seasons world culminate with a harvest in the western world that rivals the great harvest of souls we have been experiencing in the eastern and southern parts of the globe. The Lord showed me clearly that in this season, His church is being ignited and awakened to gather!


In the vision I saw first a season that I felt we are in the middle of right now. This is the time of open heavens and great refreshing and renewing in the church.  We are now seeing a release of signs, wonders and miracles in the church of America like we did in years past only on the mission field. It is not uncommon to see great miracles and healings in our Sunday morning services or special gatherings.


A Tangible Experience


We are experiencing the Presence of God like never before in ways that are actually tangible. We have seen the cloud, we have felt the fire, and we have seen many wonderful manifestations of the Holy Spirit. A great characteristic of this season is that Father God is revealing to an entire generation of believers their true identity as sons and daughters of God. Sons and daughters of the King of Glory! With this assurance of identity, comes a great clarity, confidence and boldness to stand for the things of God, release heaven and to declare and enforce His dominion in the earth. This is a time of great regional and national revival. The church is hungry and ready!


The second season I was shown was a season of great travail and intercession for the birth of the season of harvest. I am not talking about harvest as we are seeing today, I am talking about a supernatural season of unprecedented ingathering of millions of souls. This harvest is going to be birthed only out of intercession and travail for the harvesters to arise and be released into the fields that are ripe like never before. In this season, this generation of sons and daughters were given dreams and visions of both the goodness of heaven and the awfulness of hell. The result will be a sense of urgency to proclaim the good news of Jesus on mass that has not been witnessed in any area of church history.


This generation will be given a clear glimpse of the heart of God toward the lost. This glimpse of His heart combined with a fresh realization of the realities of heaven and hell will result in a generation of His anointed and equipped children releasing heaven and gathering the harvest simultaneously. The love and compassion of God revealed and released in this time through His church will ignite great fires of sweeping revival throughout the land.


This vision is undoubtedly for this generation. As a matter of fact, I saw clearly some of the events happening even now like we see through great ministries like Jesus Culture and One Thing having an impact on our nation like never before. The arenas and stadiums are only going to get larger in the months and years to come and His glory will be so weighty and intense upon these meetings that the entire stadiums will shake with His power. They will have visions on mass and begin to go into travail together as His Presence comes across the thousands gathered. As they call forth the laborers into the harvest through declarative and authoritative prayer, we will witness a generation being ignited and propelled into the fields instantaneously and with awesome power.


The church is being ignited and awakened to gather!


The time is upon us! Be encouraged!


Brian Britton


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