Unmasking and Revealing of the Bride by Brian Britton

By Brian Britton

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Recently in a time of worship, I saw a vision that left me struck with great excitement and anticipation as we enter into the New Year and more importantly a new season for the church.
As I was in the Spirit, I looked and I saw a great multitude of people in worship before the throne of heaven. I felt very aware that this was the church of our current generation.  This great mass of the sons and daughters of God was being brought into a whole new level of worship and intimacy with the King as we were assembled in His Presence. We were all totally captivated by his beauty and greatness. The song being sung seemed to be "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord!" And as we all sang, the glory of God was almost completely overwhelming. The crowd was the largest I had ever seen and almost greater than I could imagine. Suddenly, all of the people who had previously been facing in all directions began to turn and face the same direction. Then in perfect unison, the faces of the great multitude begin to change and I saw what appeared to be masks being lifted off of the faces of the assembled great throng of people. This was being done by the power of God and as the masks were being supernaturally removed, each face began to shine with a glory that was as bright and magnificent as the One who sat upon the throne.
As we sang, as we worshiped, we became aware that we were more like Him than we ever knew. We had thought we understood, but the reality was even more than we could comprehend. His goodness cannot be exaggerated. We were transformed in His glorious presence as we were assembled together corporately in worship and adoration. It was as if the true glory of the Bride of Christ that has been hidden up to this point was being revealed for the very first time. All of heaven and earth seemed to be rejoicing with us, and above all else I became aware of the great pleasure of the Father as He looked upon us and beheld us as He had truly created us to be.
True Identity is Being Revealed
I believe we are now coming into a season where the true identity of the Bride is being revealed so as to be put on display for all the world to see.  For so long the church has remained hidden and seemingly unsure as to her identity, inheritance and how to even function in the authority that has been entrusted to her. Often times it seems that many believe that we are being transformed into a pure and spotless Bride without blemish by our own efforts of devotion and holiness, but what I saw clearly here was how this unveiling of the spotless and radiant Bride was the doing of Christ alone as we were together in His glory. We were simply in His Presence and in worship. He has made us holy through the work of the cross and He is now set to reveal us to the nations and all creation in this hour. As we know from Scripture, all of creation is eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons and daughters of God. (Romans 8:19)
The sons and daughters of God will be known to all who have eyes to see as we shine with His radiance. A great part of creation began to applaud and vibrate it's approval and excitement. His light within us was never meant to be hidden, and now the appointed time has come where He Himself is setting us as a city on a hill for all to see. Though, as I reflect back on this vision now, the idea of a city on a hill seems way too small and insignificant compared to the reality of the radiance shining forth from the children of the King. It could better be described as the light and energy that would come from a star or a nuclear explosion. Jesus Himself is awakening the church as to our true identity in this generation in an unprecedented manner. The Bridegroom is proud of His Bride and she will bring glory and honor to Him through her life. Her actions and deeds of compassion and love will speak of His greatness in such a manner that it can no longer be denied. A seemingly nameless and faceless multitude that radiates only the holiness and love of the King and His Kingdom. It is as if a divine love "switch" has been flipped on that has in effect activated us all to fulfill our individual and corporate destiny as the Bride of Christ…to flood all of creation with the light of heaven in this hour. This whole vision seemed to feel like a coming of age for the church as we were entrusted with His great light to wield in a manner that required a maturity in the Spirit that He has been bringing us into over the last couple of centuries. My prayer is that you will be excited, for we all play a great part!
Brian Britton

Visitor Comments (1)

Unmasking and Revealing of the Bride- Brian Britton

Yes, THE BRIDE of Christ is being Unveiled!
The SONS OF GOD are being Manifested!

The TRUE WORSHIPPERS are coming forth - Singing, Moving & Dancing to the rhythm of the Spirit in Unusual ways...
No More church as usual - It's Kingdom Time!

The LION of the Tribe of Judah Roars!!!
The WAR CRY has been Sounded!!!
The WARRIORS have been Summoned for duty!


Marva Walker-Price

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