In recent weeks, I have felt the overwhelming presence of the Lord and His great love for the Bride. His tangible presence has been on the increase, and I sense His determination to make Himself known. Your spiritual adversary has been causing sensory overload. Aiming to short circuit your soul and spirit, the enemy has tried to overwhelm your senses with negative input in hopes of shutting down your ability to perceive My presence. He knows what's coming and is desperate to stop it.
Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:20–21 I encourage you to test everything you hear with God's Word. I always tell my church to read the Bible for themselves instead of simply swallowing all that any preacher, including myself, says. Be wise and don't just swallow everything—hook, line, sinker, fisherman, and even his boots! Be discerning when you hear something that does not sit well in your spirit, such as when a preacher tells you that "God gives you sicknesses to teach you a lesson."
Most people don't understand the power of words. Do you realize that the things you are speaking out of your mouth are setting the cornerstone of your life? Some words deceive. Some words transmit faith. Think about it. The words you speak can transmit faith or fear. So, when we are talking about your spoken words, we are talking about things that are powerful enough to change lives for the better or worse.
And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you. Philippians 1:6 (AMPC) I wonder how many times we've heard preachers say, "God has a plan for your life." We nod, perhaps smile, and then go on our way. I'm not sure most of us truly believe that—at least, our lives don't reflect that we believe it.
God loves to speak to us. Psalm 85:8 (NASB) says: "I will hear what God the Lord will say; for He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones." At the right time, the Lord offers a fresh word for us that can bring strength, guidance, confirmation, or correction. There have been countless times when I was famished for a word from God, and when He spoke it came like a drink of cold water in the desert.
HOW Jesus is taught to us makes a big difference! Many wrong doctrines have infiltrated the Church. And many things are not "fixed" in just a day or two. I had one of my sweet FB friends ask for prayer for a location transfer.   And I had a prayer request like that of my own a while back.   I pursued it and then the Lord spoke back and said to me it was not about the location!   "I" had it all figured out, you see!   He instead asked me what was I called to DO?   I had wanted my personal comforts as the priority over His will!   But my "comforts" were not HIS priority! 
Throughout the ages, there have been some mighty moves of God and revivals.  These great moves of God have brought people into the kingdom, influenced our society, and changed the church as we know it.  These moves have become part of our history.  But a lot of people don't believe they are history.  Many people are longing for God to move again.  Many prophetic voices have foretold a great move of God yet to come.  Hearts are hungry and people are crying out for God to move, they are calling for revival. And with the state our culture is in God knows we desperately need it. 
Have you ever struggled to live for God? To be a living sacrifice? Even to just do the things that please Him? Typically, the issue lies in the focus and "the means" of how that is to happen. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1 It is through tending to our relationship with God, our communion with the Spirit and focus on the Lord that we are transformed and able to live after His desires. It's all about the relationship.
I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! (Malachi 3:10 NLT) There is very much prayer being made, and appeal being pressed for revival.... If the Spirit of God either ignores or transcends so much that marks the Christian system, and makes it as though it counts so little, (and the Holy Spirit never compromises on what is vital and really of God), does it not mean that He calls for a reconsideration of very much that obtains? The days of the Church's greatest spiritual power and impact were days when ecclesiastical forms, architecture and ritual were nil, and the Lord Himself was everything.
Voices, voices everywhere. We hear them from friends, family especially if we have small children, mothers, fathers, extended family, best friends, worst enemies, television, social media, music, podcasts, speakers, preachers, teachers, mentors, casual acquaintances, and total strangers in the grocery store line. It makes us think we are going crazy with the noise in our minds. Our thoughts and decisions are somewhere in the mix. But it becomes so overwhelming that we can't even focus on what they really are.