Hope for the Remnant by Yolanda Ballard

By Yolanda Ballard
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It is not over until I say it is over, and it will never be over where the remnant does not have the upper hand, because I am the Sovereign Lord and Judge of the universe, and I defend you as my very own Son.  You represent me in the kingdoms of this world.  You stand faithful no matter what you face.  You do not back down, and I reward those who diligently seek Me in spite of the apparent loss of victory, but this is only a temporary thing.  It is not the permanent resolution of the matter for what did I say concerning My will?  I said that My will be done and My kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!!!
So do not buckle down under what looks like an apparent loss of freedom.  It is only a temporary thing where I will allow them to go only so far before I will come in like gangbusters and wipe out the kingdom that they have temporarily set up.  You know it is not permanent!  You know the end of the story because My Son gained the victory over all the power of the enemy at the Cross, and even though many have given into a heresy where the enemy has tried to rob the power of the Cross, of His death, burial and resurrection.  That was all a plan of the enemy so that he could gain access to the authority that was given to the Ekklesia, but the remnant knows the truth and the Truth is faithful to set her free.
That You Would Be Free…
Many at this very moment are in a separating work that I am doing.  Many are seeing the truth of the matter that is behind the work of the enemy.  Yes, he has come to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to bring life and that abundantly.  So I tell you this hour to continue to press in to know Me and to know the strategies that I have against the enemy. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
I gave the life of My Son that you will be free that you will live with Me throughout all eternity!!!  This is the final hour and it will be glorious to those who I have called forth.  I will perform signs, and wonders, and miracles never before that had so much effect and strength against the world and unbelievers.  You will see My hand work against the enemy in such power that you thought the splitting of the Red Sea was mighty.  That will be nothing in comparison to what I will do to the multitudes that have resisted Me as their Lord and Savior.
Stand still and watch the salvation of your God.  Be still and know that I am God, and because I Am for you, no one will gain victory over you.  I am in your heart, and I Am in control of all that you face, and all things are working together for your good in this final hour.
Yolanda Ballard