The Power of I AM: What Are You Speaking Over Yourself? by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

By Sharnael Wolverton
MP3 2 Teaching Download
By Jeremy Lopez
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Do you know the words, "I AM" are the 2 most powerful words you can speak over your life? When you choose to be fully present and fully awake, you choose to be 100% of who God really is in your life. The ability to recognize the things that are not God, that is the doorway to being awake. That means when you experience fear, inadequacy, doubt or worry, you don't have to give into those feelings. Instead you can you can introduce your heart back to being Awake!
When you are awake, you start speaking the things that "I AM."  I AM love. Love is everywhere. Love comes to me and through me. Love is everywhere I go. Being present allows you to reprogram your mind. Just like David, you can speak the things that are true over yourself and talk yourself out of depression. Depression is the opposite of expression. Expression cancels out depression. That is why it is important to know who God really is so you can be present to your truth about who you really are in him.
For example, If you had a picture of a heart in front of you right now and 75% of it is the fullness of God, 25% is hurt, pain, fear, trauma or damage from your past. When your heart brings up the things that are in the 25%, you can either stuff those feelings back down OR you can be awake. When you are awake, you say to God, "Thank you for allowing me to feel this and be aware of this issue of my heart." Then, you can start speaking your I AM statements to that issue and cause your mind and your heart to change and become more of who God says you are. You can do that for all of your mistakes, all of your issues, all the things that separate you from God's fullness and bring your heart into 100% alignment with your truth in God.
Recognize what You are Feeling
If you start experiencing a feeling of separation (doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, frustration, etc), stop and say, "Self, what am I feeling?" "What am I experiencing?" "What is this?" It's okay to recognize what you're feeling. When you can identify it, you can name it and then call it what is and speak I AM to change the feeling or that thought to bring yourself back into alignment and wholeness in God.
2 Cor. 3:17 Now the Lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, emancipation, liberty!
Gal. 5:25 If we live by the Holy Spirit, let us also walk by the Holy Spirit.
This means we can't just put up a scripture and think that's how to be fully awake. To be fully present and awake, we have to walk out our truth. Walk in I AM.
In His Word, God has already equipped us for being able to stay in alignment and not separated from Him.
Christ, I AM. That is the revelation. Know who you are in God through Christ.
Just like there are 365 "Do Not Fear's" in Bible, there are also 365 "I AM's" in the Bible. So God has given us his unconditional love - the opposite of fear - and his revelation of who He is so we don't ever have to wonder about our identity right in the Word. He has already given us the tools in the Word to be completely aware that anything but fullness is the illusion of separation.
In Robert Stevens work with The Science of Bioptic Holography, he is able to look at your eyeball and tell you your history. His studies revealed that we are all born with blue eyes. So our eyes start to change based on genetics and our environments. Our eyes actually continue to change until your mid 20's. The changes in color occur from DNA, belief systems. However, if you work on your belief system and shift back to being awake, you can actually change your eyes back to blue. Robert Stevens has seen people's eyes changed back to blue as they get rid of old belief systems and shift into a new belief systems. Over 40,000 people have experienced this for themselves as Robert helps people shift their belief systems.
What Happens When the Eyes of Our Hearts are Flooded?
Ephesians 1:18-19 And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know and cherish the hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (God's people), and [so that you will begin to know] what the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His [active, spiritual] power is in us who believe.
Light is love, essential oils can bring light, your awakening to Christ is light. God himself is the highest frequency. He is light.
Turn on the light and allow God to show you who you really are.
Yes, this is important. You take care of you. You ignite the Christ in you and allow His Signal to shine. Be His Signal (frequency) that you were sent here for. Then STAY in His Signal. Do not run. Stay awake in Him to shine well, love well. The lower level thought forms will pursue you to agree with the illusion of separation. You shine. You stay awake in Love.
Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
The lower level thought forms NEED you to agree to be alive (believe be-alive) and return to separation. Do not agree with them.
You Stay awake. You Stay in LOVE. Keep your Signal. Shine.
Your shine (light) will dissolve the illusion.
Re-place illusion separation with Your I AM Illumination communion…which dissolves illusion AND separation !!
Choose Love!
Dr. Sharnael Wolverton