One of the challenges of transition is understanding how to exit one phase or stage of life and enter the next one. Jesus was tested in the wilderness while going into His ministry and tested even more in Gethsemane when transitioning out. You are the most vulnerable during strategic times of transition. There are 3 powerfully clarifying questions we've learned to use in times of transition: 1. "WHO will I need to BE NOW, that I've never been before?" And the next key question: 2. "WHAT will I need to DO NOW that I've never done before?"
Jesus said, "My words are spirit and they are life" (John 6:63). Think about that for a minute. The words of Jesus were unlike any other words ever spoken. When the Bible says that "man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD" (Deuteronomy 8:3), it likens the Word of God to spirit food. It feeds our spiritual man just like natural food feeds our bodies. This is how we become partakers of the divine nature. This is how we become "the Word made flesh" in our world (John 1:14).
YOU DON'T NEED TO BE NUMBER ONE! Stand beside another and hold their arms up in the cause…and God will send you those who will stand with you. God did not call Joseph and Daniel or Esther to be the top of the mountain as a number one - but as the indispensable number two in support. Your place may be alongside a team that is collectively going to the top. If you insist on being a solo act when you are called to support someone else you.