On the Other Side of the Pain by Steve Porter
By Steve Porter
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By Jeremy Lopez
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We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. 2 Corinthians 1:8
No doubt, among those reading this article are some who feel crushed, pressed down, and overwhelmed. The burdens of life have crashed over you like a flood trying to drown you. You feel disillusioned and confused - how could God allow this trial? Perhaps you can even relate to Paul when he wondered if he would survive his ordeal. At times he wanted to give up on life entirely. Well, let me remind you, beloved, that you are not alone! There is love, joy, and peace on the other side of the pain. That's a promise you can rely on.
Here's a precious promise for you to claim: The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalms 34:18
I am speaking to those that are crushed in spirit. The Lord has never been closer to you than He is right now. This verse says He draws near to those who are suffering! You are not alone. Whether it looks like it or not, you have not been abandoned; you do not have to suffer in silence. Jesus is with you and He will not leave or forsake you. Allow the presence of God to surround you even now. Pour out your grief to Him, and allow His sweet healing anointing to flow like warm honey over your bruised and broken heart. Allow Him to touch every place where you hurt.
Cast Your Anxiety on Him
I want you to know that when you hurt the Lord hurts. He feels your pain and desires for you to: Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) My prayer is that through the reading of this article He would begin to remove your anxiety and replace it with the peace that passes all understanding.
Only God can fix your situation; only He can turn your mourning into dancing; only God can give you the peace to sustain you through the dark night you're facing.
Often we as believers go to everyone but God when we're desperate. We ring every doorbell and call everyone we know for help, but they can't fix what ails us. Only God can save us from the crushing blows of the enemy. In fact, Scripture tells us that He is our hiding place, our high tower and Deliverer -- that He loves us deeply and runs to our aid when we call upon His name. It goes on to say that we have not because we ask not. We are to run to Him not as a last resort, but as the Comforter, who offers the kind of wisdom that only heaven affords. The incredible truth is that He has the answers! But there's even more encouraging news - He's thinking about us twenty-four-seven; we are always on His mind, and His heartbreaks when we grieve. We can bask in His tender love and care when we're hurting and feel lost and alone.
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 2 Corinthians 4:8
I want you to know my precious friend that weeping may endure for a night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning. (Psalms 30:5)
Tears At Night
Right now some of you are living in a season of "Tears at night" where you feel crushed and confused and you can't see even a glimpse of joy ahead. This is the devil's biggest ploy: He wants you to think you'll never escape this season of brokenness, that you'll never smile again, and that you're a hopeless case.
Perhaps you've given up hope, believing the devil's lie that God must be angry or has given up on you, or this wouldn't have happened. This, my friend, is also the devil's lie. As we read the Word, we see over and over again, terrible heartaches and hardships that God's people experienced, and yet if we keep reading we see that God always made a way of escape for those who were His. And when it was over, their end was better than their beginning. God loves to bless His people with far more than they lost if they simply hold on to faith and keep worshiping God in the midst of pain.
Let me remind you that as bad as things might look, this is not the end of the story for the child of God. There is the promise of future joy amid your tears as you lean upon our loving Lord. I want you to encourage you to leave your sorrows with Jesus, the "Man of Sorrows." He will carry your burden for you just as He keeps track of every one of your tears. He has collected all my tears in his bottle. He has recorded each one in his book. (Psalms 56:8)
Today the Lord sings a song of rejoicing over the day He created you. He lavishes you with His love even when you feel like He's a million miles away. He is near you, He is with you and He is for you! Choose to believe it and receive this truth as your own, then continue to remind yourself of these treasures when your confidence begins to fail.
Hold On to the Truth of God
If you are in a season of suffering and feel like giving up hope, hold onto the truth that God is going to bring you out! And not only are you coming out, but the other side of the pain will be glorious, because at that point God will have brought you through undefeated. You will once again rejoice because He made a way where there was no way! Rejoicing because He has crowned you with favor and blessing, made you completely whole again, and ready to shout from the rooftops that He alone is God who is worthy to be praised! And though it may take time to get through this, seek His face, listen to His voice, and obey what He tells you to do. Then you can ask for what you need, and see Him work all things out for your good.
Be patient, knowing your heavenly Father has not forgotten you and your trials will one day seem light and momentary compared to the greatness of the glory He reveals to you in the midst of heartache.
God is Going to Step In
Go boldly through the suffering and darkness of the night for you are not alone. God will shut up the darkness of hell with the future expectation that it will soon be light, because for the child of God, the devil is a defeated foe if we can just stand in faith and not give up. God is about to step in and say enough is enough. I am bringing them out! They may be crushed, but I am drawing closer to them, I will heal them, I will restore them, I will give them a shout of joy in the morning. It also helps to remember that if we can choose to rest in Him, knowing He is faithful, He makes us to reflect the beautiful character of Christ, which is His ultimate goal. So do not grow weary in well-doing, beloved, but hold onto faith and pray without ceasing until you see your breakthrough. And never, ever give up!
We have suffering now, but these are nothing compared to the great glory that will be given to us. Romans 8:18
Steve Porter