Prophetic Words & Declarations from the 50 State Tour: by Chuck Pierce

By Chuck Pierce

Prophetic Words & Declarations from the 50 State Tour: These prophetic words were given in August, 2003 by Chuck Pierce, and are ongoing needs for prayer and intercession:

Because Illinois is apostolic, many local expressions of my Spirit (local churches, ministries streams) - many of them are very well connected but they've not gone to the next level of the apostolic and been able to connect properly outside of their own realm, outside of their own church.

Some would look at this state and say no, no, no this is not true. There's good connection here, there's good apostolic order. And the Lord would say to that yes there is good connection and there is apostolic order but He's going to take it to a level now that goes outside of the local expressions.

You're not only going to have a good connection and joining together, you're not only going to have that in your local expressions but eight of you are going to get together the Spirit of the Lord said, eight of you are going to come together. But I say to you not only are the eight going to come together but the eight are going to multiply again to sixty-four, and so on. They are going to come together until there is a new connecting in the State of Illinois that takes the apostolic anointing to a higher level. It�s going to extend the authority of God over the battlefield on this state in a way that it hasn't been connected before and you're going to begin to see the armies of God prevail in ways that they have never prevailed before.

Demons are going to be disempowered in a new way. Breakthroughs are going to come. Deliverance is going to come. People are going to be set free. On the battlefield there's going to come a turning of the tide because the apostolic order goes to another level of connection...

Agree with me right now. Lord, we just tear down everything that the enemy has brought and will try to bring. We not only tear down what he's done already, we tear down what he's trying to do. We say in the name of the Lord that there is not going to be a successful disenfranchising. There's not going to be any disconnecting. There's not going to be an altering of the time or the season or the decree of God�. Every ministry, every church, everyone is going to be afforded the opportunity, the Lord says, to go to another level of connecting (across) denominational lines, racial lines, genders lines. �I'm going to do it all,� He says. �I'm going to connect you at another level. Streams are going to come together.�

The Lord says, �The grace is coming on the place, the grace is coming on the place. The grace to come together is coming on this place. For I say you've been here and you've been there but I'm giving you the grace to come on the place and the supernatural abundance of an alignment is falling in this region. I say let it begin and watch things change,� saith the Lord.

We decree there is a connecting of the Body of Christ coming in the State of Illinois, going to another level. God is snapping things into alignment. He's healing dislocation and broken places and snapping them back. He's mending the nets so He can bring a great harvest to the State of Illinois. The Lord says �I'm going to have a net that will not fail this time. I'm going to have a net that can hold the Harvest. I'm going to have a net that won't let one fish out.� Just like the Lord, you'll be able to say: �Of those you've given to me, not one has been lost except the son of perdition that the scriptures might be fulfilled.�

�I'm telling you, you're going to go to another level of getting fish, keeping fish, mentoring fish, discipling fish because you're going to have healthy nets,� the Lord says.

August 2003, Chicago

During the Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets� 50 State Tour to Illinois in August, 2003, Chuck gave the following word to John Eckhardt and the state of Illinois.

We are standing and believing that what the Lord has spoken will not return to Him void: �I'm about to visit Illinois a second time. You will be a prototype for the states. You'll begin to build what it takes to house My glory. There will be six weeks of rearranging. You will have an order and an anointing to put things in order. Many will come to this state to be a part of that glory. The glory will not only be in the house, but without this house, says the Lord. From this state My glory shall proceed forth as a wheel that shall turn this nation.�

Don Lyon Apostolic Leader 

DAY 21

Matthew 22:36-38
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment.:

Pray that Illinois will learn, know and put into practice the Greatest Commandment - " the most important one" - even as Jesus commanded it: "to love God with all of our hearts, souls and minds and that we would make it the first and foremost thing we learn to do"hich is to Love Him, worship Him and minister to Him, as He desires.

DAY 22

It has been prophesied by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce that Illinois is an Apostolic State. Barbara Yoder prophesied that Illinois will also have to watch out and be on guard for those who would arise as false apostles.

Pray that Illinois would fulfill its Apostolic/Prophetic destiny and that it would continue to give birth to true Apostolic leaders, and see those who are not true apostles. Pray that Illinois would understand and function in the true
Apostolic call and anointing, and that the Illinois apostles and prophets would connect with each other and work together to release the Lord's government in the state.

DAY 23

Spiritual Warfare - Pray the Watches of the Lord. Apostle John Eckhardt has a great Teaching on the watches of the Lord. Use the Biblical references to pray and make declarations over Illinois.

Early Morning Prayer Watch
Come into agreement and declare that the Lord will root up and destroy all the wicked plans designed by the enemy to be released against Illinois.

Psalm 101:8 - Early I will destroy all the wicked of the land, That I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the LORD. [NKJV]

Declare that the morning takes the ends of the earth and shake the wicked out of Illinois.
Job 38:12, 13 - 12 "Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place, 13 that it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it?"

Pray that He brings His justice to light for Illinois.
Zephaniah 3:5 - The LORD is righteous in her midst, He will do no unrighteousness. Every morning He brings His justice to light; He never fails, But the unjust knows no shame.

Noontime Prayer Watch
At noonday, spirits of destruction, disaster, sudden death, evil plots etc....are released: �bind these spirits in the noon day watch.

Psalm 91:5-6: 5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.

Evening Prayer Watch
The evening prayer time troubles the enemy - it deals with those who would rob, steal plunder, also deals with poverty, finances etc. - bind the spirit of terror, terrorism, disease, pestilence...
Psalm 91:5-6

5. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.

Isaiah 17:14:  In the evening, sudden terror! Before the morning, they are gone! This is the portion of those who loot us, the lot of those who plunder us.

Midnight Prayer Watch
This is a time of thanksgiving because of God's righteous judgments released during the day. Thank the Lord for releasing His righteous judgments for Illinois.
Psalm 119:62 - At midnight I rise to give you thanks for your righteous laws. 


by Tom Donnan

Are you seeing these numbers and wonder what they may mean?


Have we entered into the evangelization season? I believe so! For the last month or so, I am quicken to these two numbers/scriptures. John 3:16 and John 3:3.

John 3:16 (New International Version)

 3:16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

3:3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.[a]"

            I had met Luis Palau many years ago at a Christian Chicago Policeman Breakfast. As he spoke he told of his way to open the subject on Salvation. It was; �Are you saved or not saved.� A direct question to all those he came across. From that meeting I adopted an ice breaker question of; �So, where do you go to Church?� My aim is to open the door to talk about Jesus. There are times when it opens up conversation leading to salvation.  What methods do you use to open up the way to Salvation with people you meet and friends and family?

            Since I have been seeing these numbers, I have been praying for ways to sow seeds. I bought a Jesus bumper sticker. Bright orange against black, you can�t miss seeing it. I bought tracts on the Love of Jesus to pass out or leave somewhere. I ask the where do you go to church question. When people are sick or hurting I will ask to pray with them opening a door for God to enter in.

            My next goal is to try cold questions on salvation. All those who know me know I love Jesus and I am just waiting to share with them. At times the door will crack open and off we go. I pray for divine appointments to happen in my day�

            Now is the time of Salvation. Share with me how you reach out to others for Jesus.  How do you use your spiritual gifts, prophetic gifts to reach the lost?  Tell me about a recent time of witnessing and how you saw the Holy Spirit move.

Tom Donnan


River Of God, Hershey's Kisses, And A Stork???


God recently took me into 3 amazing, heavenly encounters.  With each one, God revealed another dimension of the same message.  It was not until the last encounter that I understood how they fit together.  It began with a vision this past July...


Kisses From God


On 7/30/07, I was taken up in the Spirit to an archway that led to heaven.  I stepped through the archway.  Then I saw the Ancient of Days sitting on a throne.  His hair & beard were long & white.  His crown had a golden cross embedded in the top on the front of the crown.  His shoulders were covered with VICTORY medallions.  His sleeves were decorated with precious metals that gleamed brilliantly.  Oil was dripping from the cuffs of his sleeves.


Then I heard water rushing and there next to the throne was a sort of trough laid in the pavement/floor.  This trough had a river of water flowing through it.  In the bottom of this trough/river was what looked like Hershey's kisses.  I laughed.  There were many colors to these kisses.  I was told that these were kisses from God.  Every time God touches someone with His presence, it's like receiving one of these kisses from Him.


I looked to the left and saw behind the throne was the source of the water.  It flowed from UNDER a treasure chest.  This chest was called "The Blessings Of Heaven" and below that chest flowed the stream of water with the kisses from God.  I looked back at the treasure chest and saw a latch at the top.  I was told that I had been given the ability to open the latch to release the treasures.  I was amazed and at first I could do nothing but stare at it.  Then I looked across the room to the right and saw an opening between the wall and the floor of the trough/river.  There was something beyond that wall that I could not see but I was told it blocked the contents of this river from flowing out.  I was then told that people had the ability to release this - to open this trough - I got the impression the desperate cry of the people is what releases this to flow down out of heaven.  I looked back at the treasure chest to my left - I reached out to touch it but I was not yet told how to open it.




The arched doorway to this room is Jesus himself which was revealed by the golden cross embedded in the top of the crown.  The reason the Ancient Of Days wears it in His crown and not on his shoulder (with the rest of the victory medallions) is because the victory of the cross was the greatest victory of all time. 


The treasure chest is opened by "gatekeepers" through worship.  As the kisses represent God's blessings that come in many forms (supernatural signs, wonders, healings, provision), so this treasure chest contains more blessings than the human mind can even comprehend.


The "trap door" that blocks the flow of the river full of God's kisses is OPENED when people's hearts are open to receive Him.


The Kisses Continue...


On 11/3/07, God took me up in the Spirit again, back to the throne room.  I saw Hershey's kisses, except this time, He took me straight to the chocolate factory where the kisses were being made.  I thought it was strange that such a place even existed, or that God would consider it important to speak to me about chocolate.  Then suddenly I saw a huge white stork fly overhead.  This stork picked up a square sheet with four corners in it's beak.  The sheet was filled with Hershey's kisses, wrapped in red.  As the stork flew out of the chocolate factory, I was taken up by the Spirit to follow behind the stork.


First we flew over a dark valley.  The stork dropped many kisses into that valley.  This valley represented people who were in dark circumstances in life, and God was dropping blessings of His love to encourage and strengthen them in the midst of these dark times.


Then we flew over a mountain peak.  The chocolate kisses immediately melted in the heat of God's presence on the top of this mountain.  The melted chocolate dripped down and coated the top of the mountain like wax.  The mountain represented people who have come up to the mountain of God and are experiencing the sweetness of His presence and the intense heat of His glory.


Then I was transported into the atmosphere, where I was viewing the earth from the vantage point of a satellite in orbit.  From there I could see a great number of large, white storks released, each one with a sheet in it's beak, and each sheet was filled with chocolate kisses.  The storks delivered these kisses from God all over the earth, to people who were hungering for His presence.


Then I was shown the chocolate factory in heaven again, and I could see God releasing these white storks in greater and greater number as they continued to release God's glory on the earth.


I pondered this vision for many days, wondering why He was speaking to me using images of red Hershey's kisses and a white stork.  Then, 16 days later, I had another encounter...


A Silver Kiss...


On 11/19/07, I met with a friend for prayer.  When I first walked in her living room, my eyes were drawn to a glass candy dish that had Hershey's kisses wrapped in red.  There was a lid on the dish with a flat/square like knob that was about 1 1/2 inches wide.  Now I have been avoiding chocolate due to a food sensitivity...


Before we prayed, my friend offered a cup of tea.  So we left the room TOGETHER, and went into the kitchen.  When we returned, I was surprised to find a shiny SILVER feather sitting right on top of the candy dish, literally on top of the square knob!  It was gleaming under the table lamp.  The feather wasn't there before we went to get tea, but it was there when we came back.  I immediately thought of Psalm 68:13, "Even while you sleep among the campfires, the wings of my dove are sheathed with silver, its feathers with shining gold."


Why Storks?


At this point I understood that the kisses represented God's love, but the image of the stork kept coming to mind.  I found myself asking God lots of questions.  Did He send the stork?  Was this silver feather from a winged, heavenly creature?  As I inquired of the Lord, He told me to do some research about storks.


I learned that the largest stork has a wing span of 10.5 feet (3.2 m), and is one of the two largest birds in the world.  Rather than flapping their wings, they soar, with feet down and necks straight.  I also learned they can live up to 70 years. 


The white stork (which is what I saw in my vision), likes to live in open farmland, with access to marshy wetland.  Storks return year after year to the same nest, building on the foundation that had already been built, making an even larger nest the following year.  The nests have been known to grow up to 6 feet wide and 10 feet deep! 


They are considered a symbol of good luck by many cultures.  One reason for this is because they like to eat rodents, cicadas and other farmland pests.  Another reason is because of their singularly monogomous (one season) relationships.  Some consider the white stork to be a symbol of a "chaste marriage." 


The Hebrew word for Stork means "kind mother."


Storks In The Bible


"7Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons..."  Jeremiah 8:7 NIV


13"The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully,
       but they cannot compare with the pinions and feathers of the stork."  Job 39:13  NIV


I compared this with another translation, and was amazed at the reference to love:


13 The wings of the ostrich wave proudly, [but] are they the pinions and plumage of love?  Job 39:13 Amplified Bible


Here is another reference to stork-like qualities seen in heavenly messengers, sent by God:


9"Then I looked up�and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth."  Zech. 5:9 NIV


What amazed me most was how the stork-like description in Zechariah 5:9 was cross-referenced with the description of God's heavenly messengers in this verse below:


"3 ...He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.

 4 He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants." Psalm 104:3-4 NIV


Wow!  That's what I saw in the vision on 11/3/07!  God used a stork-like heavenly being to soar on the wind of the Spirit and to deliver His kisses from the throne room in heaven!


Spiritual Birthing


After doing this study, God took me back to this verse:


13"The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully,
       but they cannot compare with the pinions and feathers of the stork."  Job 39:13  NIV


Job 39 is full of examples of giving birth and caring for young.  A friend pointed out to me on Sunday that this is a time of God birthing something new in the body of Christ...


Thank you God for giving us visions of your amazing love.  Thank you for giving us new revelation of your nature.  We receive You, Lord Jesus, and all You have for us.  We pray now for the heavens to be opened and for Your heavenly, winged messengers to be released!  We acknowledge that You are perfect and pure and holy and magnificent.  We rest in Your love, and savor Your presence.


Taste and see, the Lord is good!


And He likes chocolate too!!!



Dawn Okpisz

"Rejoicing comes in the morning" Psalm 30:5

Worship Director

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