Show Me Your Glory (teaching 2 CD set) by Jill Austin
Show Me Your Glory (teaching 2 CD set) by Jill Austin
SKU#: PROD20376
Price: $12.00
These classic teachings once sold as individual tapes are now available in two-tape album set. A perfect addition to your teaching tape library, this album also makes a great gift!

Moses: Getting God’s Fresh Revelation Face-to-Face
Do you long to be a friend of God? Do you yearn to meet with Him in person? God spoke to the prophets in dreams and visions, but with Moses, He spoke face-to-face. Do you have a cry in your heart to know Him intimately? Are you willing to climb the mountain of God to receive fresh revelation and mandates from heaven?

When Moses returned from the mountain where he had his first visitation, he was confronted with heavy spiritual warfare. His tragic circumstances caused him to seek more of God. With a desperate cry in his heart, he pleaded, "Show me your Glory!” The Lord doesn’t want us to faint in the battle as so many do. He wants us to press into Him for another visitation of His Glory.

Joseph: From Dungeon to Destiny
Have your dreams and prophetic promises provoked jealousy and caused you to be misunderstood? Have life’s circumstances shattered your hopes? Do you find yourself imprisoned by the judgments of others?

Are you willing to let God work a death in you so that you come forth out of the dungeon with a new mantle of authority and anointing that will take you into your destiny? Are you willing to forgive and let God be your vindication? Will you come out with bitterness in your heart and use your resources for vengeance or will you weep as Joseph did when he saw his brothers, realizing that God meant it for good?

Product Details

Weight: 1 lbs.

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Teaching CDs