Keys to Third Heaven (book) by Sharnael Wolverton
Keys to Third Heaven (book) by Sharnael Wolverton
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Keys to Third Heaven


by Sharnael Wolverton

Join Sharnael in this revolutionary teaching uncovering  key truths within the supernatural. You, too, can shift the world with these innovative revelations!

If you want to hear, see, understand and move in the power like never before this book is for you!

Sharnael Wolverton, founder of Swiftfire Ministries International, was called to the ministry at an early age.  In her pursuit for God, she went to bible school and later a graduate school seminary, until the Lord called her in to a place of "the school of the Holy Spirit".  During this incredible period of seeking intimacy with Him she encountered many dreams, visions, visitations and divine appointments leading to the birthing of swiftfire ministries international.

Sharnael is a popular conference speaker and host of her television show "Swiftfire with Sharnael Wolverton"  She is the author of the books titled Keys to Third Heaven...Using Third Heaven Revelation to Impact a World and The Seers Handbook and is currently completing her 3rd book Overcoming the Religious Spirit.

Sharnael is originally from eastern Montana but currently resides in Louisiana with her family.
"Sharnael, You're a golden eagle (apostle) and prophetess, you are called to go out, called to nations, especially to the U.S., Canada, Europe and Africa. The scripture for your ministry is Isaiah 8:18 (Signs and Wonders)and the strongest gifting you walk in is prophecy and revelation gifts.  You teach by prophetic revelation...." Bob Jones
"The church is in a fresh new day. Divine opportunities are at the door in an unprecedented way. Likewise, there are also many new and fresh faces emerging with holy desperation in their soul and passion for God's kingdom. Sharnael Wolverton and Swiftfire Ministries are one such example. They are strategically placed in a portion of Louisiana targeted for divine visitation. Baton Rouge can be a model for a 21st century city of refuge and Sharnael, along with her team, are poised to speak into that destiny." Paul Keith Davis

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Weight: 2 lbs.

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