God Speaks Through Humor and Bloopers (E-Book Download) by Sandy Warner
God Speaks Through Humor and Bloopers (E-Book Download) by Sandy Warner
SKU#: PROD38522
Price: $7.00

God Speaks Through Humor and Bloopers

E-Book by Sandy Warner

Sandy loves the times of refreshing that God brings through laughter. She has discovered that He has a wonderful sense of humor and delights in giving us joy-filled moments that impact us with purpose and clarity. ~~~~ Sandy Warner was visited by the Lord Jesus on 8/22/84. He imparted His anointing and handed her a solid gold pen. Since that time she has written over 24 books, maintains a devotional email list of several thousand subscribers and facilitates a website containing 1,000’s of pages of personal examples of how God speaks. It is her passion to teach about the language of how God speaks and build a bridge for generations yet to come.

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