Delegated Responsibility by Randy Gladden

At their encounter at the burning bush, God empowered Moses with the authority to fulfill his calling and leadership role. God is responding to the cry of His people.  He wants them to know He is coming down to save.  And He is sending Moses. Despite Moses' repeated protests of his inability, God is firm in His decision.  God has empowered Moses to perform amazing feats to demonstrate God's saving power.  His staff would be the instrument of his authority.
Delegated Responsibility by Randy Gladden
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By Jeremy Lopez
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At their encounter at the burning bush, God empowered Moses with the authority to fulfill his calling and leadership role. 
God is responding to the cry of His people.  He wants them to know He is coming down to save.  And He is sending Moses.
Despite Moses’ repeated protests of his inability, God is firm in His decision.  God has empowered Moses to perform amazing feats to demonstrate God’s saving power.  His staff would be the instrument of his authority.
Through the demonstration of those miracles, God’s people were firmly ejected.  And they didn’t go empty handed.  They went out rejoicing with great wealth, and none were feeble.
But the rejoicing quickly turns to fear.  They are against the Red Sea and Pharoah is pursuing them.  Imagine the confusion, the uncertainty.  God had moved mightily, and the reasonable expectation was that they would go in His blessing.
“Quit Crying to Me”
Despite their very real need, God doesn’t respond with action, but instructions.  Stop complaining and get the people moving.  Raise your staff and part the Red Sea.
When Moses used his delegated authority, God caused a mighty east wind to part the sea so they could cross on dry land.  And when they arrived on the other side, God instructed Moses to complete the cycle by closing the sea by again using his staff.
It is a pattern we see repeated.  God’s power is released when His leaders exercise the authority He delegated to them.
At Rephidim, God’s people are attached by the Amalekites.  As long as Moses held the staff aloft, they were victorious. 
God gave Joshua specific directions on how to battle at Ai.  But then required Joshua to keep his spear pointed at Ai until the victory was complete.
All of which highlights how God delegates His authority to complete your life mission.  To fulfill your calling and purpose in Him.  But that authority now also becomes our responsibility.
Growing maturity is the recognition that in many cases God’s victory is waiting on our participation.  The process of growing in the increasing reality of the authority that God delegates to us.
Every promise is a seed that contains the power of transformation, and each carries the authority to fulfill its completion.
Randy Gladden