The Power of Declarative Prayer! by John Paul Jackson

By John Paul Jackson

The Power of Declarative Prayer

By John Paul Jackson

Prayer is a powerful thing. I know you've heard that before and probably have experienced it, but in the ups and downs of everyday life, it is good to be reminded.

So saying, you are heard by Heaven. Heaven responds to you. Your tears are bottled up and kept forever. Your case is before Him. He is listening, and He is acting on your behalf. Don't forget this, and don't doubt, because doubting is a waste of your God-given time.

When we pray, whether we sense it or not, there are reactions in the spirit realm. In the same way, when we declare God's truths over ourselves, they stick. They change the atmosphere. They change us. We are no longer the same, whether or not we're aware of it.

I pray declarative prayers often. They get me out of my self-pity, anxiety, confusion and self-doubt. They change my mindset and reorient my thinking.

            The prayer below is a wonderful prayer for this season, on the tail end of Halloween and on the beginning strands of Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year. May God bless you with the blessings of Heaven. Be encouraged in this season, for the Warrior is with you, and He is mighty to save.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His authority, I cut off every curse that has been spoken against me to try to stop me from walking into God's purpose for my life. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in His authority, I cut off all bloodline and spiritual curses that any person or persons may have placed upon me, whether by their actions or by any form of verbal declaration at all, whatsoever.

Through the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pronounce that, in His name, all these things are null and void as of this moment. Nothing that is against His purpose for me shall flourish. Nothing, in the name of Jesus, that is anti what He has created me to become will flourish from this moment on. And therefore, in His name, I declare that:

my family will prosper,

my children will prosper,

my finances will prosper,

my authority will prosper,

my favor will prosper,

my influence will prosper,

my understanding of Scripture will prosper,

my wisdom will prosper,

my discernment and discretion will prosper.

The power of the Living God will flow in greater measure through me, unencumbered. It will increasingly become more unencumbered and flow at greater rates, greater speeds, to change people's lives and advance the glorious Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ within me. I declare that God has determined the pre-appointed time for my life, the exact place that I would dwell, the exact time that I would be born, the exact location for my anointing. He has placed me where I am in order for me to touch and change that area, and that the enemy - the powers of darkness - would be broken because of the power of the Living God upon my shoulders.

He has done this, so that I would grope for Him, and that I would seek Him, and that in hope I might find Him, for in Him I live and move and have my being. As Paul wrote, "We are all His offspring," and therefore I declare that I am flesh of His flesh in the Kingdom of the glorious Lord Jesus Christ. I am bone of His bone. I was born for such a time as this. No matter what has happened in the past, or what has been happening in the present, I will walk in victory, and I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living! In Jesus' name, amen.