Seven Ways to Activate Your Spiritual Immune System by Sara Whitten

By Sara Whitten
The Lord said, "My body needs to remember it has a spiritual immune system - and use it!" As I began to look at how the Lord designed the physical body's immune system, God began to reveal powerful, spiritual protocols for His body, the church, and how we can remember to activate our spiritual immune system. What strengthens the spiritual immune system?
Seven Ways to Activate Your Spiritual Immune System by Sara Whitten
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The Lord said, "My body needs to remember it has a spiritual immune system — and use it!"
As I began to look at how the Lord designed the physical body's immune system, God began to reveal powerful, spiritual protocols for His body, the church, and how we can remember to activate our spiritual immune system.
What strengthens the spiritual immune system?
1) Testimony
Just like our natural bodies have immunity over what our immune system conquers, we have testimony to remind us what God has spiritually conquered. Stop and take an inventory: What have you overcome with the Lord? As overcomers, it's time to put a megaphone to our testimonies. Remember what He has brought you through and let it birth faith in you for what He can do again as well as birth faith in others for what He can do in their lives.
2) Community
Did you know your natural immune system is linked to social behavior? Literally, God made the body to be connected. In this time of "strengthening the spiritual immune system," God is calling us not to be an island. God is growing, expanding and breathing on networks for expanding and serving His kingdom. Watch for increased moves of God specifically through networking and communication/media.
3) Rest
This is a call to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy! Remember rest does NOT mean inactivity. Rest means knowing that there are allotted times to act and allotted times to rest while you let the Lord restore you and fight on your behalf.
4) Joy
Laughing is a natural immune booster. Proverbs 17:22 says "a joyful heart is good medicine." Joy has little to do with our circumstances and has everything to do with our focus. Have you stopped and asked the Lord to reveal to you the hope ahead to give your Spirit its daily dose of joy?
5) Gut
In the natural, our gut is a huge player in the strength of our immune system. The spiritual equivalent is becoming sensitive again to the urgings of the Holy Spirit. Even when there's no visible evidence in the natural to back up those "gut feelings" the Holy Spirit gives us, we must pray into these inclinations and not ignore these promptings.
6) Choice/Freedom
The very word "immune" is defined (by Merriam Webster) as "marked by protection, free/exempt, not susceptible or responsive, or having a high degree of resistance." The Word is filled with reminders of how we have been set free in order to serve the Lord. We must guard against anything that comes against our freedom to serve the Lord or that makes us susceptible or responsive to voices directing us contrary to His commands.
7) Power
When looking at verses about "immune/immunity," the Lord highlighted Luke 10:19 (RSV). It reads, "Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you."
The word for power (used as "authority" in this translation) is the Greek "exousia." It can be defined as "operating in a designated jurisdiction," "delegated power," and it "refers to the authority God gives to His saints — authorizing them to act to the extent they are guided by faith (His revealed word)."
Interestingly enough, the word for power in Luke 10:19 that refers to the "power of the enemy" is a different word. It's the Greek "dunamis," which in this context means "ability to perform, efficacy, energy." When we stand in God's authority in line with His words, it literally zaps the enemy's ability to perform, tramples his efficacy and depletes his energy.
Let's unite in prayer and stand together to activate the "spiritual immune system" God has given to His body.
Sara Whitten