Something More by Bill Click

By Bill Click
On Palm Sunday evening the Holy Spirit started saying "something more." God has "something more" for His people and we have been made faithful to stand with Him and release the impartation that comes from His Word of revelation. A special one-time meeting was held Saturday, April 20th to release what the Lord has given us. Below are some thoughts that were included, as well as some that did not get mentioned that I sense will be helpful to those who sincerely desire, need & are seeking "something more."
Something More by Bill Click
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On Palm Sunday evening the Holy Spirit started saying “something more.” God has “something more” for His people and we have been made faithful to stand with Him and release the impartation that comes from His Word of revelation.
A special one-time meeting was held Saturday, April 20th to release what the Lord has given us. Below are some thoughts that were included, as well as some that did not get mentioned that I sense will be helpful to those who sincerely desire, need & are seeking "something more."
New Testament Context vs. The Present Day
What we need to understand is that those receiving the New Testament epistles were having the experience being described. They didn’t have any doctrine or boundaries or parameters or understanding- but they had the experience!
In other words, the New Testament church was much more like what we consider to be a high watermark such as (in past days) Brownsville or Toronto or revivals we’ve either read about heard about or seen old clips of, rather than what prevails today.
So, while they had the experience and needed the teaching to frame it in; we instead emphasize teaching in order to get the experience. It’s not the biblical pattern- surely teaching is necessary- but teaching will not produce a move of God.
Experiencing God in prayer, worship, divine encounters- that allows the Lord access! Thank God for the biblical boundaries which can help us discern and rightly perceive what is experienced supernaturally- these not only release God to move but help us to be- as The Word says- “comparing spiritual things w/spiritual” (1Cor.2:13). Meaning, to be “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2Tim.2:15).
Truth only comes from God- Christ is the basis for truth- all aspects of life existence and understanding must be filtered through the reality of what He says, did & especially: Who He Is (see Jn.1:14, 17; 4:24; 14:6,17; 15:26; 16:7,13; 17:17,19; 18:37).
“Kingdom first” does not mean a few minutes in the morning in order to somehow ‘set your mind right’ for ‘correctly conducting yourself’ or to enable reacting with ‘religious kindness’ to what you might experience that either distresses you or catches you 'off guard.'
“Kingdom first” means that in all matters of life: your first thought, priority, consideration, and ultimately- desire you allow self to have- must be to honor God at the expense of all other things if necessary.
This changes our living from the goal of being socially acceptable to becoming Kingdom presentable. It redefines love based on what God is accomplishing ‘beyond the moment’ or according to the present circumstance. It does not see love as primarily a matter of kindness or deference to others- both of which may very well deny Christ.
Getting to Something More: Origin, Quality, Power
Clearly, “something more” can’t be added to what exists. (God 'adds' but THAT only comes thru the Kingdom being "first" (Mt.6:33).
When trying to get God to fill a hole or meet a need that points more to something lacking (to us) for natural life - or even to ‘go after’ what we see modeled spiritually- more than our “eternal purpose?”
By that we play the ‘God is supplemental, the app for our add-on, ‘make my life complete’ game (instead of God came to give me His life in His Kingdom - not my life in a ‘fixed up’ fashion.
Contrary to popular opinion Jesus did not come so that we could be ‘excused’ by way of the blood He shed as a covering. Jesus came to wipe out the barrier between the Father & us: restoring us to right relationship with God.
This means that we now have the power to obey God through that right relationship - by the Spirit (Ro.8:13-14). It does not mean that we have a built-in excuse for not following God when it doesn't work for us-relying on confession & receiving His cleansing power as means for continuing to sin.
"Should we continue in sin that Grace May abound: God forbid!” (Ro.6:1)
I am convinced that by and large people of God do not see the degree to which they make God the means to their end. BUT: regardless of who has endorsed that- they are responsible to repent of that idolatry and let God be God once and for all!
Depression, Fear, Worry & Anxiety: God’s Own Need Freedom
Outside/in, God clean-ups won’t last, if (even) able to be applied to hearts that aren’t truly submitted to God. Lasting freedom: - “something more” is different than ‘getting ministered to’ a ‘good meeting’ etc. Ultimately, it's always inside-out, not outside-in with the Lord!
Much - not all - of the above malady's: depression, fear, worry & anxiety can be traced (in Christian's) to their operating by ‘natural’ ‘origin,’ ‘quality’ & power’- the deficiencies described above.
Measuring life naturally will ALWAYS depress the Christian! Going up against opposition naturally will ALWAYS result in fear! Trying to ‘be God’ over your future or present will ALWAYS results in worry! Futile attempts to ‘control’ what does or not take place ALWAYS brings anxiety!
Again: “Something more” = source of origin, quality & power, not natural ability, excellence or quantity.
  • Our origin must be God.
  • Our quality must be eternal.
  • Our power must be supernatural (grace powered thru our Spirit-nature). 
We must live “in” & “from” the Kingdom within ourselves, THEN outward to others & world, not ‘Try to find God in the midst of ‘your life’ pursuits, responsibilities, obligations or ‘happenstances.’ Otherwise: God will be seen as ‘optional,’ added on to self or supplemental what exists.
God made you a “new creation” so that what exists would be subject to Him, therefore you would no longer be subject to this world- even while in it- & that He would display Himself in & thru you!
BUT: As long as what God has for you is ‘optional’ nothing lasting will take place. AND: Whenever what God has for you is ‘optional’ He is not “1st.” You are origin-determinative!
Do you really want something more?
Bill Click