The Holy Spirit, an indispensable guide, empowerer, and transformer in our faith journey, is always at work within us. However, certain behaviors can hinder His work. These 7 Warning Signs are not just indicators of actions that quench or grieve the Holy Spirit but also serve as a roadmap to align more closely with God's will. By exploring these warnings, supported by Scripture and insights from contemporary Charismatic and Pentecostal leaders, we can foster a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, leading to personal growth and spiritual fulfillment.
In the journey of faith, a profound path beckons each believer toward a life marked by transformation and divine fulfillment. This path is illuminated by God's presence, which invites us into an intimate relationship with the Creator, offering a foundation upon which the entirety of our lives can be built. In this sacred space of closeness with God, we begin to truly experience the depth of His power, the abundance of His produce, and the clarity of His purpose for us. As we seek His face and dwell in His presence, we are not merely observers of the divine; we become participants in the supernatural. This journey is about seeking God for what He can do in our lives and discovering who we can become in Him.
Every influential person has gone through a step-by-step process to their ultimate success. If you follow the same pattern, you too can discover ultimate success. That's one of the many wonders of human behavior. If you desire something, you can find someone else who has achieved what you want and imitate exactly what was done. This is called modeling. The Apostle Paul referred to modeling when he wrote, "And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1 NLT). Have you heard the story of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen who co-authored Chicken Soup for the Soul together? In creating and publishing this bestseller, they went through the same process every successful person has gone through.
I have a grandson who is almost eighteen months old. Since he was born, I have said these words to him, "You are a child of the Most High God. You are blessed and highly favored. You are full of faith, hope, and love. You are bold and courageous. Everything you need to succeed you already have inside you." These are words I want him to grow up believing about himself. Why? Because what you believe, you will become. This is true of me, and it is true of you. In this article, I want you to know and believe you have everything you need inside of you. 
The greatest thing you can do for yourself is to believe in yourself. While this may seem elementary, many find it nearly impossible to believe in their own ability to achieve. Of course, this is a self-image, which has been created over time. Very often, it is created due to failure, disappointments, and hurts. Many just seem to find it extremely difficult to let go of the past. They are dragging their past around like a huge weight chained to their ankle. Their past slows them down and immobilizes them by a self-image of doubt instead of faith. Without faith, no one can cultivate a life of joy and self-fulfillment. 
Today, I want you to know you are great! And I do not mean that lightly or as a cliche. You really are truly great. I know that because you are here. You are on this planet we call earth because of your greatness. You have been created for success. This is true because you are alive. Nothing comes into creation without having its own programming for success.  You were not created to fail. You were created to succeed. The Creator looked through the corridors of time and perceived a need for you.
Your words matter. They are one of the most important aspects of your life. They are an important characteristic of your life because they reveal who you are. Unlike any other thing in your life your words come from the depths of your essence. You will speak what is on the inside of yourself. This is a fact you cannot hide. You will speak from who you are. This is why your words really do matter. What is on the inside of you? Is there life? Or is there death? Listen to your words, and you will know. Do you believe in yourself? Or do you doubt yourself? The world will know through the words you speak. You can try to deceive, but eventually, your words will reveal the truth about you. There is no way around this reality.
In John 3:3, Jesus says to Nicodemus, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (NKJV).This is an extremely well known verse. It is often quoted to refer to a particular experience. That experience is usually referred to as saying the sinner's prayer.  While the sinner's prayer is important and a great first step in following Christ, this verse has so much more depth. This verse is about a whole new way of life. At the time of our physical birth, we knew nothing about living in the material world. We had to be taught everything. For a while, things even had to be done for us, things such as bathing, dressing, and eating.
What is the beginning of having the life you desire? The very first step is to know you have the power. This is the very first thing I desire my clients to know. You, and only you, have the power to change you. Deep within you are the resources to the life you want, and you can discover and uncover those resources. As a matter of fact, you can pull them right out of yourself. I am reminded of the story of Eve's creation. Eve was created to be a resource for Adam. God had said it was not good for man to be alone. The Divine caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and then took from Adam a rib to create Eve. After Eve's creation, Adam said she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. 
Scripture has many verses and passages about the power of our thoughts. One such verse is Proverbs 23:7, "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." This verse is simple yet profound. It teaches a person is her thoughts. Whatever a person is manifesting in life is due to that person's thoughts. Outward reality is a product of inward reality. What is happening in the mind is happening in the world of experience. If this is true, then it is imperative for a person to be intentional about what she is thinking. The quality of her life is then boiled down to the quality of her thought life. The better her thought life; the better her actual life.