We are in a time of preparation for some amazing times that are just ahead. Though it seems like things are uncertain, we must gain a heavenly perspective to overcome the attacks that are active all over the world. You can be sure that the disasters and difficult times we are seeing are not from God. These things are from Satan and the forces of darkness that are trying to discourage you from the breakthrough that is about to happen. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. Hebrews 12:28 NIV
Have you ever felt like you're good at a lot of different things? Sometimes it may feel like you're interested in too many things. You have probably heard this saying: "A jack of all trades is a master of none..." But many people don't realize that there is a second part to that saying: "… but often times better than a master of one." I like to call people who can wear a lot of hats, or do a lot of different things well, Swiss Army knives. Having a lot of tools in your toolkit can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it's not a weakness — it's a strength! Here's why being a Swiss Army knife doesn't have to be a bad thing.  
For the past few months, I have been seeing new gates and doorways opening in the spiritual realm. This is going to shift the spiritual atmosphere over those who are discouraged and under heavy attack of oppression. Each month I see a different door open in Heaven that releases the opportunity for people to get out of this time of heavy attacks and setbacks. Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 NIV The spiritual atmosphere is ripe and ready for you to hear God. I have never seen the heavens so open, but it might come with a battle. Ask the Lord to speak to you and watch for answers to come quickly.
What's your favorite story in the Bible? Have you noticed there's a little bit of everything? We have stories of adventure and romance, betrayal and friendship, the supernatural and the natural. Then we have the books of poetry and psalms, and the book of Proverbs where we receive practical, life advice from a king. These stories went on to change the world! But there are still stories yet to be told—like your own! Here are a few reasons why your story matters in the big picture. I love that God knew it would be a good idea to tell His story in a variety of ways. There's a message here for us—when it comes to communicating our stories, there's no "right way" to do it! Many of you believe you're called to write a book, but you feel like your book couldn't possibly be as great as "all those other people's."
There is a lot to be excited about starting in the month of June. It is the time of Pentecost when God sent the power of the Holy Spirit to Earth in Acts 2.  "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." Acts 1:4–5 NIV This originally occurred during the Jewish Feast of Weeks and is celebrated by the Christian Church as Pentecost Sunday. This year these times fall on June 8–10. The Lord told me to expect a powerful time this year. 
Are you feeling like change is in the air? In my latest prophetic word, I shared that there will be no more delays starting in the month of May. Many of us have been asking God for promotions, new revelation, alignment, etc. Things that have been holding you back in the past are now going to shift so you can break through! If you're feeling a little uncertain with all the shifting going on, the Lord wants to encourage you today. Elijah was a prophet in the Bible. One day, God instructed him to have a meeting with a King named Ahab to let him know there would be no rain for the next few years (1 Kings 17:1). Three years later, God told Elijah to tell Ahab that rain was finally coming.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, "In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay." Hebrews 10:36–37 NIV The Lord said, "Your time of waiting is now coming to an end. You have been in a time that has required nearly all that you have to persevere through the storms that have been coming against you. I am coming to you, and I am not going to delay the answers to your prayers any longer. Your Book of Purpose is now opening, and you are going to get deeper understanding into what is ahead. There will be no more delays starting in May!"
Have you experienced a case of spiritual identity theft? Here are a few clues: You find yourself thinking often about your past mistakes. You feel like a victim instead of a victor. You struggle with forgiving others who have hurt you. Did you answer "yes" to any of the above statements? If so, don't beat yourself up about it. Cases of spiritual identity theft have happened to some of the best of us, even Bible heroes. The good news is, for every attack of the enemy there is a God remedy! I'll share a few examples with you.
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2 NIV  It is time to renew your mind through the Holy Spirit and not think logically. The Lord is moving beyond your natural thoughts, and your solution is already being released from Heaven. It will be important to come into agreement with the plans and thoughts of the Lord that are higher than our own.  Watch as the Lord is sending wisdom and instructions from Heaven. The Spirit of Wisdom is being released, and it will allow you to come into alignment with the Lord's plans that are being opened starting this month. There are gold mines that will be opened as you receive the Spirit of Wisdom. 
Hearing God's voice is actually easy and does not need to be complicated. My experience is that most Christians have not been trained on how to hear the voice of God, how to respond to Him or to understand His timing. God still speaks today. Hearing His voice for yourself will activate you into a deeper relationship with Him. Since our beliefs are formed at an early age, we all can carry around some "belief baggage" that is not necessarily based on fact or reality. In many cases, strongly-held beliefs that have been passed down through generations are not actually based on the Bible. Some beliefs have been based on a Bible verse but were taken out of context.