For the past month the Lord has really placed upon my heart a burden for many in the body of Christ who have been in a place of "doubt" over their calling, their gifting, what they carry and the "expression" of that in and through their lives. I heard the Lord speaking over these ones and He said, "I AM GOING TO CONCRETE WHAT YOU CARRY." When the Lord spoke these words there was a strong sense of impartation, conviction, maturing, freedom and deliverance. I have been heralding the fear of man being broken off many lives right now and in this year. There is a deep deliverance of the fear of man happening in many lives right now and the fire of God is bringing around a conviction and concreting of what the people of God carry.
I had a dream last night and I heard the Lord speaking over the body of Christ and he said, "Pray for pastors." Immediately I saw a huge open heaven and invitation over pastors right now to encounter Jesus in a deeper way than they ever have before. There are significant impartations that the Lord wants to release to pastors right now in deeper encounters with Jesus that are going to position them for the new move of the Spirit that is upon the Church. Something that really stood out to me in the dream was HUMILITY. The Lord used a symbol in the dream to me that represents humility and purity. 
In this new era, there are going to be incredible demonstrations of the Lord's power and glory. He is going to reveal Himself in such profound ways that it is going to leave the people of God and the world in awe and wonder of who He is. Since the middle of last year, the Lord has been speaking to me in many different ways about how He is going to move and reveal Himself through children in this new era. We have entered an era where God is going to move in ways we have never seen before, and the fear of the Lord will be restored to the church.
There is a heavy fog attempting to rest over many forerunners because there is a major increase of wisdom, discernment, divine insight and understanding available to you right now. Push through, you're going higher. There is an incredible increase of the pioneering anointing being released in the body of Christ right now and there are many forerunning what God is going to do and release in the body of Christ in this new era. The Lord showed me that many of these forerunners are carrying significant revelation and wisdom for this new era and what God is going to do, but they have also been battling a fog, a heaviness and almost a disorientation.
I heard the Lord say, "I am decreeing this will be your most productive season, but you must fight against distraction and keep your hands upon my assignment for your life." The Lord has been speaking to me so much about the level of acceleration, momentum, occupying and building that is going to take place in 2020 and beyond. As I sought His heart I heard the Lord speak over the body of Christ "I am decreeing this will be your most productive season but you must fight against distraction." When He spoke those words I had a vision and I saw assignments that the Lord has placed before God's people in 2020 and this new era.
This week I was continually surrounded by the sense of "first fruits" of breakthrough and "signs" of new life, cracks in the wall beginning to appear, the sound of new beginning and the waters parting. I had an encounter with the Lord and I heard the sound of waters that were backed up behind what felt like a "dam wall" and they were roaring as they were growing with pressure. Then the sound of the "dam wall" beginning to crack surrounded me and I saw the trickle of waters beginning to break through.
Focus, focus, focus! You have heard My voice, it's a time of joy. This week I had a dream where I saw the Word of God at a distance before me and I really had to focus hard to see what it said. As I looked closer and focused hard I saw the words "You have heard My voice, it is a time of joy!" and I woke up. As I woke I began to ask the Lord about this dream. Even though this is not an exact verse in Scripture, the Lord used this as a prophetic picture of what many have been walking through.
This week I heard the Lord say "I am breaking the ceilings and releasing a divine sealing!" There are things that have been containing many of God's people for a long time and they continue to come up against this ceiling. It's as if the "ceiling" continues to scream "This far and no further." The Lord showed me that in many different ways right now He is breaking the ceiling. He is going after the very things that are stopping you from growing, that are stopping you from arising, that are stopping you from increasing, that are stopping you from soaring. The Lord is going after the ceilings that are continually battling against your ascending. 
I heard the Lord say, "The enemy has wearied many at every side, attempted to wear them down, but now My strong arm is bringing deliverance and strengthening." The Lord spoke to me this week that the enemy has been coming against many to bring about a weariness and to "wear them down." I heard those words repeating over and over in my spirit "wear them down." It was like a "grinding down," like adding another weight to the load, it was another hit when they are already wounded and it has become harder and harder for many to keep standing.
Over the last few weeks the Lord has been speaking things to me like, "case closed" and about the definitive deliverance of God. I have been hearing Him speak about things the enemy has used against God's people over and over again. The Lord is decreeing, "case closed." I have been hearing Him say, "legal grounds" that the enemy has found in the lives of believers are being dealt with through repentance and healing. There is a definitive deliverance and victory manifesting in the lives of believers right now, as the Lord is moving powerfully.