There's a battle over the new wineskins, but hold fast, it's about to break. The Lord spoke to me today very clearly that there is a battle taking place over new wineskins right now. The Lord is releasing revelation of the new wineskins in the lives of His people and the new strategies and instructions for this new era, but in the midst of the revealing of these new wineskins and instructions, the enemy has come in raging. The Lord showed me an intense battle taking place over these new wineskins.
I hear the Holy Spirit say, "Get ready to step into courage like never before." There is mighty move of the Spirit of God that is taking place in the body of Christ right now where the Lord is breaking the containment and confinement in the body of Christ and leading His people into greater places of courage. God is breaking the chains, God is breaking the boxes, God is breaking the confinements. This is happening on many levels and in many different ways in the body of Christ right now. It has begun but it is going to majorly increase. The tidal wave of His Spirit and His power is going to come crashing in like we have never seen before and Acts 4:31 and Joshua 1:9 are going to manifest and explode throughout the body of Christ with significant increase. 
Recently I had a powerful encounter with the Lord where I heard His voice thundering over His people, "Make up your mind!" It wasn't an angry "make up your mind," it was a strong decree and invitation to partner with faith and to move away from being double-minded. The Lord showed me that there was an "entry point" for the enemy to come in with his torment, fear and oppression that was in the hearts and minds of God's people and that "entry point" was called "DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS." "When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you're in that condition?" James 1:7-8 (The Passion Translation)
Over the past week or so I have been hearing the Lord repeating over and over "I am releasing strategy for strength." Instantly I had a vision and I saw many weary warriors where the battle, struggles, fires and trials they have endured have left them really weary. The Lord's voice thundered over them "I am releasing strategy for strength." Instantly I knew that an invitation was being released from the Lord to come and hear HIS strategy that He is releasing right now. I felt this strong sense in the atmosphere that it is crucial to be hearing and following HIS strategy alone, because the enemy is attempting to lure God's people into 'false strategies' not flowing from the heart of God to weary them and burn them out.
"Those who sow their tears as seeds will reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee. They may weep as they go out carrying their seeds to sow, but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessings and a harvest overflowing." Psalm 126:5-6 (The Passion Translation) The Lord brought this Scripture before me this week and I have been sitting on it and seeking the Lord's heart. As I sat with the Lord, I heard Him say: "There have been MANY tears sown as seeds in this season. There have been MANY tears that have been cried and I have collected each one.
Writers, you are called to write. You are called to pen the words the Lord gives you. The battle has been over your pen, and the distractions have come in this season of transition, but there is a heralding taking place in the heavenlies – a new season of visitation and encounter. You aren't moving into a season of visitation and encounter that looks like anything you have experienced before. This is a completely new season and the enemy has been fighting hard to keep you from this place, because you are not only going to see Jesus and encounter His heart and the supernatural realm in ways you never have, you are going to experience a whole new level of empowerment of the Spirit of God upon your writing.
Over the past few days I have felt the Lord's heart strongly for those who are now stepping into the 'new things' the Lord has opened before them. This is a season of incredible promotion and divine surprises. There are many new avenues, new pathways, new doors and new blueprints, but in the release of the "new things" God is releasing and leading His people into, I saw many feeling pressure, overwhelmed and even some fear. If that's you, this word is for you.
Over the past week the Lord has been speaking to me about redemption and restoration. The Lord showed me so many that are still waiting for circumstances and situations of the past and present to be redeemed and restored. There is a great wind of acceleration that is blowing but it is gaining momentum and these winds are blowing on circumstances and situations to bring about the greatest level of redemption and restoration by the hand of God that you have seen. I felt the Lord wanted me to release this prophetic word and decree over you today, if you are still in the 'waiting' for redemption and restoration of situations and circumstances: "You have entered the season of the greatest demonstration of the power of God to redeem and restore."
"God, the Lord, is my strength; He makes my feet like the deer's; He makes me tread on  my high places." Habakkuk 3:19 The Lord spoke to me today about many in the body of Christ feeling like they are lacking strength right now. Many are still in that place of weariness and feeling battered by the battle. The Lord showed me significant weariness in the body of Christ physically, emotionally and mentally that many are facing and enduring. I also saw many are enduring this weariness in secret, only the Lord knows really how tired they are.
The Lord spoke to me recently that He is uncovering the "hiding places" of the enemy. I had a vision and I saw Jesus moving into different areas in the lives of believers and different circumstances and He was carrying a torch and shining the light on those areas and suddenly the enemy was being exposed. As He held the torch I heard two Scriptures: "But when the truth-giving Spirit comes, he will unveil the reality of every truth within you. He won't speak His own message, but only what He hears from the Father, and He will reveal prophetically to you what is to come." - John 16:13 (The Passion Translation) "Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path." - Psalm 119:105 (Christian Standard Bible)