Broken voices hold their secrets in the recess of their pieces. Listen. They call out to wake us from our slumber and illusion. Reality. These voices express truthfulness and candor that sting the heart and mind. Burden. Within the shadows and the silence lie their real and raw stories. Injustice. It is time for the revealing of these truths. Exposure. It is time for these wrongs to be made right. Justice. Oh, precious voices once broken, you will now speak and sing a brand new song. Freedom.
The Spirit of the Living God is speaking these words: "The Father's heart is set on recovery. So what more shall I say then about these truths and mysteries that are being revealed?" I say let there be light over them! Let the light of Christ illuminate the truths and mysteries We (Father, Son, and Spirit) desire to be made known; for there are many. Just as I spoke in the first word regarding this, so I will say it again – many of these truths and mysteries hold solutions and remedies that are needed for this time; they will help many people.
I hear the sound of truth coming; I hear the sound of the Spirit. The Spirit of God Says, "There are words being spoken out that are false; they intend to divide, deceive, and harm. These words are ultimately meant to throw the proverbial monkey wrench into My plan, but that shall not happen, says the Spirit of Truth. For I come to you this day to tell you I AM revealing truths in this hour no one would have ever thought would come to light. Yes, there are many truths coming out. There are also mysteries being revealed.
On a regular day in September of 2016, I was sitting at my laptop, working on a writing project, when I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of Jesus come into the room. He started talking to me about the value of giving all of myself to Him and He called it "an act of living worship." He went on to say while I had given Him most of me there were still a few places I hadn't. He said He wanted everything, including the weary and bruised places, as well as the unknown ones.
I'm hearing Jesus say: You're not sure about Me anymore. You thought you knew Me and what I'm all about but now you question everything. You've always been a person of faith but the hardships of this life have worn you down and taken a heavy toll. You're exhausted by what's happened and also by empty religion. You're thinking I must be done with you. So much has happened; so much has changed, and it's all taken a harsh, meaningless and almost hopeless tone. You say you can't hear Me speaking to you anymore and wonder why I'm so silent. You're even wondering if you have been a total fool for believing all that you once held to be true.
I hear the Spirit of God saying: There are tears coming, but they're coming to set you free. Don't fight them; don't reject them, and most certainly don't dismiss them. For they are coming to cleanse and to renew. What once was very painful in your life is going to be healed through the tears you will shed. I created tears and they serve a very deep purpose. Precious one, don't be ashamed of the tears you are going to shed; for they are coming to help wash away the grief and the pain you carry; they are coming to help bring a refreshing to your heart and soul and yes; even to your physical body.
Problems are going to be solved in this time. There are many who have struggled for years with certain troubles or issues. They've sought understanding and counsel but to no avail. Some of it was because the time had not yet come for the revealing of such knowledge, but the time is now. And as you work through untangling these difficulties, I will open access to the truths surrounding them. There are bridges to the past that must be crossed and dealt with.
Over the past few days, the Father has been speaking to me about a battle over many of His people and He said this battle is called discouragement. The enemy has set out to do as much damage as possible to stop, interfere with, and delay what God has promised but the one thing he has monopolized on most is using discouragement to keep many of us weighed down and entangled. Now, I know there are many things that are happening in the world that are really discouraging, to say the least. And I know many of us are going through personal hardships that are just as disheartening.
I see the Spirit of God moving through the arts in a wholly new, unique way. Painters, sketchers, graphic designers, potters, videographers, filmmakers, photographers, poets, writers (including songwriters), musicians, singers, dancers, and even DJ's – get ready to express the Father's heart in the new ways He's going to show you. Say what you will, but I am also getting that He is going to move through chefs, cooks, bakers, and baristas; clothing and jewelry designers; and also graffiti artists (that's specifically what I heard Him say).
So there I was looking at this pile of ashes I call my life; when I started to see these unfamiliar, unexpected pieces lying underneath. And I thought to myself, "What are those? And what in the world am I supposed to do with them?" It's strange because I thought I knew all the pieces. I thought I'd taken proper inventory. I thought I had, but there they were – residues of truth waiting for me to uncover. This is all metaphorical, of course, but there is a lot of verity in it – years of chronic illness and trauma; years of misdiagnosis and loss; years of suffering and pain; years of working to recover.