The Goodness of the Lord! By Keith Miller

By Keith Miller

The Goodness of the Lord!

By Keith Miller


Oh, how Keith Millergreat is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men! Psalm 31:19

Praise the Lord for His goodness and all that He is doing throughout the land. We are continuing to see a fresh flow of the precious presence and power of the Lord in our meetings. As you know from the previous e-mails we have been going coast-to-coast in addition to what we have been doing in our state. It has been a very busy, but wonderful time.

In the nations we are seeing a great depth and hunger for the Lord. We really feel it is a "for such a time as this" for the building up and strengthening of Christ's body. We consider it a great experience to be part of the different ministries and churches that have been hosting us. What a blessing they are.

We really are sharing out of our heart on the importance of each one being in His presence and power every day, cultivating a hunger and depth of His Word daily to be able to walk out the character and stature of Christ. It all points to Jesus. I really believe that is why we are seeing people come to Christ and many backsliders returning as well.

 People are Coming out of Sin  

 These past several months we have seen many come to Christ. Just this past weekend I was in California again and we were blessed to see a precious flow of His presence and power. The Lord moved in miracles, signs and wonders. People were born again, healed and many recommitted their lives to Him. What a privilege to see people come out of sin, addictions, bitterness, and so much more as the Holy Spirit draws them to the feet of Jesus!

One of the things we are now seeing more of is that in His presence there are many getting healed. In several of the churches that we have been to this year we have seen where the Lord moved in miracles and healings as I shared the Word. I will make some reference to His presence, power and healing and the atmosphere is so filled with His presence, and faith is released, people are being healed in their seats! We hear of the testimonies where the Lord healed them right where they were sitting. Lord you are so awesome!

We also saw a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit in the meetings. At times I can literally feel the swirling of God and then many wonderful and powerful things take place. It is awesome to see and be part of His great work! The Lord's people are strengthened with might in the inner man and a fresh boldness and the zeal of the Lord is released called His holy passion. I praise the Lord for this!

We have also been blessed to be part of several good conferences. I must say I really feel that conferences are changing but in a great way! I really look forward to our conferences and also the ones that we are going to. It is always a good time to gather for a time of deep unto deep fellowship with the Lord and with the brethren. So much takes place! I really enjoy seeing the positioning and aligning the Lord is doing in our lives.

 Such A Time as This

 I was recently in Melbourne, Florida and it was such a great time in the Lord. I was awakened early in the morning with a powerful word from the Lord. The Lord really revealed to me so much for such a time as this! It was almost exactly like what took place recently when I was with our good friend Robert Stearns in New Jersey.

Here is a small report from Pastor Tim Franklin in Melbourne,

We had an awesome prophetic conference with Keith Miller and John Paul Jackson this fall. It was a full house and the people definitely put a demand on the anointing that these two men carry. The messages were geared for the season that we are living in.

They were a call to righteousness, growth and maturity. Keith Miller brought a great Holy Spirit anointing at each of his sessions. He encouraged the church to embrace the Holy Spirit, hunger for the Holy Spirit and to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. His delivery had us both laughing at him and longing for more of God.

John Paul brought a Father's heart to the conference and his stately delivery of the Word of God made one feel they were receiving from a truly wise man. His line-upon- line teaching was easy to understand and apply. Keith finished the conference by building faith and releasing miracles. We had deaf ears open, diabetes healed and one man who had a painful, shattered tail bone was healed with no one laying hands on him.

Pain free! It will be a week that will be remembered by all!

-          Pastor Tim Franklin

 Praise the Lord! We are looking forward to all the future ministry opportunities. I must say I am very excited and full of the fresh zeal of the Lord for these days! I really pray to be an encouragement to the body of Christ but not in word only but in His presence and power. It is exciting to contribute to what the Lord is doing in a region, city and a nation.

I was recently in Memphis, Tennessee at a great church and I really enjoyed my time there. The wonderful presence and power of the Lord was in the house and much was accomplished for His name's sake. Lives were forever changed by His presence, word and power! This church is making a great difference in transforming the region they have been given. They are pouring into thousands of lives each year in many tangible ways!

 The Lord recently encouraged me to look for the places where He was partnering and to partner with Him in these works by sowing there and then He would supply all of our needs according to the riches of His Glory! We don't go into these churches and regions promoting our agendas but are coming alongside in what they are already doing! In the coming days I will share much more on that!

As a family and as a team we have tremendously enjoyed the schools this year and we are really looking forward to more in 2010. Our gathering times have been very rich with His presence. At the last gathering the weighty presence came in such a way I went to one knee and I thought, I can't get up!

I love Him so much. I so love His tangible presence--to watch the faces of many experience the joy of His presence, to see the wonderful expressions of amazement as He heals and ministers to the people, to see the joy as the light of Christ floods their hearts as He comes into their lives for the first time! I love to see the look of exuberant joy on the faces of His people as His glory fills the room and heavy burdens are lifted and countenances are forever changed. He releases deep courage within them that causes faith to increase that all will be strong in Him and His mighty power! Strong in HIM!

by Keith Miller

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