Seeing Jesus in Visions - Not Just for Prophets by Matthew Robert Payne

By Matthew Robert Payne
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There are many Christians in the world that confess Jesus Christ as their Savior, fewer who confess Him as Lord and Master, fewer still who confess to having two-way conversations with Him, and fewer still who could be considered a modern-day prophet who not only hear Jesus but see Him regularly in visions. But you need not be a prophet to know Jesus in this way. Jesus promised His disciples that they would see Him again, and many people saw Jesus in visions in the book of Acts and the accounts of the early Fathers, so why not you and me?
Have you ever bent a paper clip and found that it doesn't bend back to its original shape? Have you ever pulled on a spring until it bent out of shape and did not go back? That is the same as the relationship that you can have with Jesus. You can get to a point of no return with Jesus, a point in your relationship that you cannot come back from, a place where angels are with you all the time and you visit heaven almost every time you worship. You can reach a stage with Jesus where He will wake you up speaking to you, and He will be the last person you talk to before you go to sleep. Jesus can be more than a bumper sticker on the back of your car. Jesus can be the real thing. He can literally turn up at your doorstep, and you can actually invite Him in to have dinner with you.
Why did He tell His disciples that He wouldn't leave them orphans? Why did He promise that if you obey Him both He and His Father would come and sup with you? Many people would look at what I am writing and scream, "Heresy! God does not come to earth to visit men." Then they have not heard of Adam, Abraham, Joshua, and the others. He even came in the clouds twice to His own Son, Jesus.
Many people ask me how I first got visions, and they ask me if I could pray for them. Jesus asked me one day to ask Him for something. You see, most of the time I just pray. I don't ask for things; I simply talk to Jesus back and forth. But on this day, Jesus told me to ask Him for something and He would answer the prayer. I asked Him if I could have prophetic dreams and visions. From that day on I started to not only feel angels but also see them! I would like to think that Jesus would honor my prayer for you.
Dear Father,
I ask in Jesus' name that You make Yourself known to the reader and that You would allow them to see angels and Jesus. I ask that if the reader has to do something special in order to qualify for this that, through Your Holy Spirit, You would make it known to them and You would give them the power to do that thing. I ask that You bless this reader and that one day they might write to me and tell me the prayer worked.
Matthew Robert Payne

Visitor Comments (1)

Thanks sir

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