What Jobs do Guardian Angels do? by Matthew Robert Payne

By Matthew Robert Payne
Guardian angels do more than protect you. Guardian angels can protect you and keep you out of harm, but they also have seen your whole life played out. They've watched a movie about your future life in heaven, and they constantly give you thoughts to direct you to the will of God in your life. Guardian angels put thoughts in your mind to direct you. Your guardian angel may want you to go down to the shopping center because there's going to be a person down there that heaven wants you to interact.
What Jobs do Guardian Angels do? by Matthew Robert Payne
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Guardian angels do more than protect you. Guardian angels can protect you and keep you out of harm, but they also have seen your whole life played out. They’ve watched a movie about your future life in heaven, and they constantly give you thoughts to direct you to the will of God in your life. Guardian angels put thoughts in your mind to direct you. Your guardian angel may want you to go down to the shopping center because there's going to be a person down there that heaven wants you to interact. Like the Holy Spirit, the guardian angel will put a thought in your mind to go shopping now and not later in the afternoon, and you'll get this urgency to go down the shops.
Your brother, who lives with you, as my brother lives with me, may ask you, “Are you going down the shops now? Can you get something for me?”
It turns out that you're at the shopping center in one of the isles where you're getting the shopping for your brother. You may bump into the person that the guardian angel wanted you to see so they can direct you and guide you to having divine encounters. They can organize your day for you. When you get back from the shops, they can have things organized for you to do for the rest of the day.
Guardian angels are involved when you go online to search for a book, that the guardian angel may give you the search words to type into Amazon to search for a certain book, and they’ll highlight the book to you. Your sight will see a book and be attracted to the book. They will help you choose a book heaven wants you to buy. That will also lead you to look at the portion on Amazon that says:
People who bought these books also bought these books. You may be looking for a book and come across that section on Amazon. Rather than purchasing the book you found, you may go to that page and find another book the angel wants you to read. You may also be led to the author page of the author who wrote a book you found yourself looking at. You may get this inspiration in your thoughts to look at the author page, and you might get to the author page and find another book that the guardian angel wants you to read.
You can be directed through websites, and your guardian angel can direct you. You can look for a YouTube video on a certain subject and click on a YouTube video. There may be videos that your eyes may go to the suggested videos, and your eyes may be attracted to a certain video, and it turns out to be a video that your guardian angel wants you to see.
So, guardian angels can direct you and guide you. You can be down and not feel encouraged and feeling depressed, and your guardian angel can put good thoughts in your mind and encouraging thoughts. Your guardian angel can inspire you to do certain things that change your mood. Your guardian angel can play good memories with you and recite Scripture verses or recite songs to you and sing songs that lift your spirits and change your mood. Your guardian angel acts like the Holy Spirit and works in tandem with the Holy Spirit. Your guardian angel will give you good thoughts towards the person with whom the guardian angel wants you to make a friendship. Your guardian angels will lead you in so many different areas.
I've got a book that covers messages from people’s guardian angels, and you can choose to look up that book and read the guardian angels' messages and get more of an idea of what guardian angels do.
Matthew Robert Payne

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