Kingdom Numerology: The Language of Heaven by Jeremy Lopez

By Jeremy Lopez
We know all too well that life in the Kingdom is filled with signs and that Heaven is always looking for new and unique ways to capture our hearts and attention. What's even more shocking, though, is just how far and to what extent these signs fill our daily lives with each and every passing moment. Through signs, patterns and those bizarre and uncanny moments of synchronicity, Heaven is always speaking and calling out to us. As the ancient church fathers wrote, "God has many ways of drawing us unto Himself." As I've said many times throughout the years, not only is God speaking to His wonderful Creation, but He's speaking through it as well. One such way Heaven captures our attention is through the use of numbers.
Kingdom Numerology: The Language of Heaven by Jeremy Lopez
Book and Workbook Combo
By Jeremy Lopez
Available as books and ebooks.
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We know all too well that life in the Kingdom is filled with signs and that Heaven is always looking for new and unique ways to capture our hearts and attention. What’s even more shocking, though, is just how far and to what extent these signs fill our daily lives with each and every passing moment. Through signs, patterns and those bizarre and uncanny moments of synchronicity, Heaven is always speaking and calling out to us. As the ancient church fathers wrote, “God has many ways of drawing us unto Himself.” As I’ve said many times throughout the years, not only is God speaking to His wonderful Creation, but He’s speaking through it as well. One such way Heaven captures our attention is through the use of numbers.
My newest book, NUMBERS: Unlocking the Kingdom Code is now available worldwide, wherever books are sold and, in many ways, this is a book more than twenty-five years in the making. For years, I’ve taught on the amazing synchronicities and patterns existing around us; however, for the first time, in my newest book NUMBERS: Unlocking the Kingdom Code, I share shocking revelation never before shared in any of my previous books. Heavenly numerology is a very specific sign unto itself and where life in the Kingdom of Heaven is concerned, numerology is a key to not only predicting the future but also creating it. From the very beginning when the Creator spoke the worlds into existence, it seems that numbers were on His mind. Days would turn to night and seasons would change, denoting the passage of time. In my newest book, I share how Kingdom numerology was at work even in the Beginning of Creation and how numbers, even today, give us a glimpse into the Presence of God.
Numbers are Speaking to Us!
Is it really a coincidence when you see those repeating numbers each day? When you glance at the clock and see 11:11 or 2:22 or 3:33, is it really just happenstance? Well, if you believe that all things are working together for your good then there has to be some deeper meaning. Of all the times you look at the clock, why did you just so happen to look at the clock at that particular time? Could it be that even then Heaven wanted to remind you just how in alignment your life truly is? In NUMBERS: Unlocking the Kingdom Code, I take you on a journey through history, into the ancient civilizations of the past and show you how even the most ancient of civilizations believed numbers have heavenly messages for us. Even in the most primitive, most ancient of civilizations predating even the rise of Christianity, mankind regarded numbers as a way to connect with the Divine.
As I felt the inspiration for my newest book, NUMBERS: Unlocking the Kingdom Code, I couldn’t help but find myself thinking, “Has Heaven always used numbers to communicate with us? Every world religion throughout history has seemed to place some greater meaning and special, spiritual significance on the use of numbers, and we find this even in the writings of the psalmist who wrote, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 NIV) Furthermore, in that particular passage, the psalmist goes on to say: “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen trouble.” (Psalm 90:14-15 NIV)
Numbers are Gateways to the Presence of God
Shockingly, it is in the depiction of the wilderness Tabernacle that we find Kingdom numerology used in a somewhat shocking, bizarre way. You’re familiar, I’m sure, with the Law being handed to Moses atop Mount Sinai, as Moses talked with God face-to-face. What many often seem to overlook, though, is the overarching theme within the text that depicts the Lord not merely as a Law-giving Lord but also, even moreover, as a Creator who longs to dwell with His people. To accomplish this, a Tabernacle would have to be constructed as a means to house the Glory of the Lord.
But here’s where the story takes a rather shocking, somewhat bizarre and otherworldly turn. The Tabernacle was to be built according to a very specific plan – a blueprint so detailed and so highly accurate that even the slightest mistake would signal imminent death for the priests who would minster unto the Lord in the Most Holy Place. Even the items of furniture that were to be crafted for the Tabernacle were to be built to specific dimensions. And through it all we find a very shocking, somewhat otherworldly theme: “The Presence of God is specifically represented through the use of numbers.”
(For specific dimensions of the Wilderness Tabernacle, study Exodus 26:1-36)
And when the tabernacle was completed, the scriptures remind us that a glory so visible and so tangible filled the place that neither Moses nor Aaron could stand beneath the weight of it. In my newest book, NUMBERS: Unlocking the Kingdom Code, I share a powerful revelation of how numbers are tied to the Presence of God. But what does it all truly mean? What significance are we to place on all the passing numbers we see on a daily basis?
Numbers Remind Us that All Things are Working Together for Good!
The Creator formed and fashioned existence with such precision and with such detail that there is absolutely nothing out of order and nothing out of balance or alignment. After all, do the scriptures not remind us that all things are working together for our good? Well, if that’s true then we’re reminded of a very specific truth: “The Kingdom operates with perfect precision!” The next time you happen to glance at the clock or look down at your watch or see those patterns or numeric sequences throughout the day, remember to look beyond just the mere digits. Heaven is speaking and wanting to remind you of just how in alignment you are with the plan of God.
In NUMBERS: Unlocking the Kingdom Code, I hope to inspire and encourage you to begin to view even the numbers you see on a daily basis in a much different way. Is it coincidental that you keep seeing those recurring patterns and numbers throughout the day? Is it merely random happenstance that you just so happen to glance at the clock at 11:11 or 2:22 or 3:33? Or is there something more? It’s time to remove the word “coincidence” from your vocabulary once and for all. All things are working together for your good, and numbers are tools that Heaven uses to communicate to you just how in alignment you are with the Presence of God.
Jeremy Lopez


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