November is a time of restoration and revelation. The shaking many people are experiencing is designed by God to shake open things that have been previously sealed. Now is the time for the sealed to be revealed. Have you been seeing the numbers 333? "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3 NIV Right now is the time in which God is revealing more to you for your new assignments coming from Heaven. Your Book of Life has been opened and this is a time of transition, as new angels are being assigned to help you. Do not focus on the storm or what things might look like in the natural realm.
This is the time each year that is important for your life, as it sets the course for you prophetically for the upcoming year. It is the Jewish New Year, called Rosh Hashanah—October 2–4, 2016, and the Day of Atonement, called Yom Kippur—October 11–12, 2016. Even though we are no longer under the Law of Moses, God still operates on the Jewish calendar. Historically, Jewish people believe that God examines our lives during the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to see if we are ready for spiritual advancement, or promotion, to a new level of maturity. Whether you are aware of it or not, this is a time when you are able to hear God more clearly and gain direction.
We are in a divine season of God releasing new revelation and understanding into our life callings. This happens each year around the Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. These holidays are both coming in October—so I want to help you prepare to move forward hand-in-hand with God during this season. God is releasing revelation and insight into your greater calling in life. But have you ever felt like something is holding you back from moving to the next level or from going after your life dreams? There is a dream thief that can try to take away your passion for life.
God is taking setbacks and what was intended for evil and bringing blessings. Negative situations will have a good outcome as you keep your focus and trust in God. If you have gotten warfare and resistance over the past few months, then you can now expect big breakthroughs to start happening. If you lost your house, your car broke down, you got hit with health setbacks, relationship troubles increased or old behaviors or addictions kicked up again—I have good news for you. God is going to do a sudden move to bring you out of your darkest time and use it to bless you. Watch for September 15–17 to be a turning point with this.
August is here and I am really excited! Prophetically, it is the 8th month and 8 represents new beginnings. Quite often, we will see the start of new things in August. As this happens, expect to see the old things die away. I have had heavenly encounters all month involving promotions and commissioning of new plans to continue to prepare us for this next powerful move of God that is coming. The word I am hearing from God for August is the pain of change. Embracing changes will help you to transition from the old to the new. I had an encounter last Sunday and a strong presence of the Lord came into my room.
This is part two of a prophetic word I released earlier this month. I am getting more revelation right now than I am able to process. Things are heating up in Heaven for one of the greatest shows on Earth. I have been prophesying that a revival is coming, in fact God is saying it is starting soon! Here is a portion of the prophetic word I released in January 2016: "Last year on New Year's Eve, I had a very powerful encounter in which I literally heard the audible cries of people who have been wounded by uncaring Christians and leaders. Then I heard (this part was not audible) the Lord say, 'Their blood has reached my ears and I must respond.'"
July is going to be a time of major changes. Things that God has promised you over the last few years are now going to start to take place very quickly.

There is going to be a blast of new sounds from Heaven over you that is going to open new doors, part the Red Sea, awaken dry bones and open your eyes and ears to hear in the spirit at a new level.
This is a turning point and things are going to start happening at a fast pace. Watch as a new door will appear for you after June 13th. This is the end of the Jewish Feast of Weeks, also known as First Fruits, Leviticus 23:15. It occurs 7 weeks after Passover. Seven is the number of completion — so 7 weeks ago God released something powerfully new from Heaven and it is now coming into your life. If you did not see my Prophetic Word yet from last month, Why It's Safe For You to Hope Again, please go read that. Passover this year was so strategic. I have been having divine encounters nonstop since then.
May is a time in which God is giving us an infusion of new hope. Over the past few months God has been blowing upon the dry bones of prophetic promises that were given to you in the past. These are things that have not come about or they started and then stopped. Things have been changing beneath the surface are now going to spring up with new life. Forgotten promises and prayers from the past are going to be answered. Be open to the answer to your prayers looking different than you may have originally envisioned.
March has gone out like a lion and not like a lamb as the saying goes. There has been fierce opposition from the enemy to get you distracted from what is coming. The "wind of change" from the Holy Spirit is going to continue to blow through the month of April and rearrange things. Get ready for sudden changes and a shift in the spiritual atmosphere in which it will become much easier to hear God.