Jesus wants to take the body of Christ to a higher place. We are his beloved, his chosen people, his remnant and his warriors. He desires to show us things in the Spirit realm and give us revelation that we've not yet discovered. Some of you are going to begin to see things from an "aerial view." In order to see things from an aerial view you must first be in an elevated place. He is calling each one of us to come up to a higher plateau where we will see from a different perspective. 
Everyone wants to know what the Lord is saying. Believers search the internet for prophetic words, messages, sermons and videos for a word from God. We read about encounters and supernatural experiences that others had with the Holy Spirit and wonder why we don't have the same. Those people paid a high price for what they have. They cultivated the anointing by spending time with Jesus in the secret place. They died to the things of this world and immersed themselves in His presence.
We are living in a season that is pregnant with purpose and promise. In the days ahead we will see believers mantled with a powerful anointing and empowered to do all that Jesus has created them to do. In the midst of what appears to be a dark season of opposition, there will be a sudden shift in the spirit realm. We are coming into a time that we will experience supernatural miracles, astonishing breakthroughs and divine encounters. The Lord is not finished with His church. The Holy Spirit wants to invade your homes with His glory.
People often ask: How do you hear the Holy Spirit's voice? Do you hear voices? Does He speak in dreams, visions, pictures and parables? Does He show you metaphors, puzzles, analogies, enigmas, rhymes and riddles? Could you sense His presence and is it possible to smell His fragrance? Did He really speak to Moses through a burning bush, and could He do the same today? The answer is yes to all of the above questions. Although it's rare to hear the audible voice of the Lord, He certainly could choose to speak this way if He pleases. He wants to visit us, open our eyes and give us encounters.
The year 2020 was a year that we will never forget. It seemed as if a dark cloud hovered over our nation, and the heavens were as brass. We heard people repeatedly say, "Things can't get any worse." But even in the darkest of times the Lord says: "Be still and know that I am God." The Holy Spirit is about to move in a mighty way once again. In October 2019, I shared a prophetic word titled "The Roaring 20's." I wrote about the 1920's which brought about a major change to our culture and impacted all aspects of society in our country. I shared the comparison of the 1920's to this decade of the 2020's.
This afternoon I was looking at an old notebook from 1991. I always loved spending hours studying the Word of God and taking notes. Even as a young believer I understood the transforming power of the Word of God. I learned that Jesus was with God in the beginning when He created the world, and He has given us the same creative power in our words, therefore we could speak things into existence. We could speak to mountains to be cast into the sea and it will obey. I understood the covenant that Jesus established with us when He died on the cross, and I knew that healing is always Gods will for us.
As Holy Spirit filled believers, Jesus has given us the ability to see things beyond the natural realm. He has given us discernment from heaven's perspective. We should be able to perceive what the Lord is doing and then release it on this earth. We could tune into the frequencies of heaven, and discern the voice of God. We cannot access this place with our natural minds or imaginations, but it could only be obtained through a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. We are called to transform lives and shift atmospheres.
For the past several months we have been experiencing civil unrest and lawlessness in our country on so many levels. Sin is running rampant and in the natural it appears as if the enemy is gaining ground. For those who have spiritual eyes to see understand that we are not fighting a physical battle but a spiritual battle. Some people are being shaken to the core by what is happening, but then there are those who are walking by faith and not by sight. They are tenacious and steadfast in their faith pursuing the plan of God that they have been contending for. They trust in Jesus and are not moved by what they see.
This morning as I was doing my laundry, I was waiting for the spin cycle to complete. I began slowly walking back and forth praying in the Spirit. As I started walking the Holy Spirit showed me a picture of lions in a zoo pacing back and forth in their cage. They were agitated from being locked up, and wanting to be set free back into the wild. They were strong and muscular and when meat was thrown into their cage they devoured it. When they are released from captivity and get back out into the wild, they are going to take off running into the environment that they were created to live in. 
There is a story in the book of 2 Chronicles chapter 20 about the King of Judah named King Jehoshaphat. He received a report that there was an army that was coming to wage war against him. As he and the people of Judah and Jerusalem came before the Lord, he said to the Lord, "Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you." He reminded the Lord how He drove out the inhabitants of the land before his people Israel. He said; "We will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your name and will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us and save us."