One night as I was at a church conference the Lord brought my attention to the worshipers. Many of them were dancing with abandon, rejoicing exuberantly and others were worshiping passionately with multicolored flags. They were all continuously moving as they glorified Jesus under an extraordinary anointing.  As I observed them, the Lord showed me a picture of a shooting gallery with moving targets. The faster the targets moved, the more challenging it was for the shooter to hit them. The Holy Spirit said, "A moving target is more difficult to aim at than a sitting duck."
Last night as I was reading the book of Psalms I heard the Lord say that He was releasing the P.O.Ws. (Prisoners of War). A "prisoner" is someone who has been confined or imprisoned for something that they did illegally or immorally, but on the other hand, a "prisoner of war" or a "captive" is someone who has been wrongfully imprisoned. They may have been imprisoned during or immediately after an armed conflict. The Holy Spirit is about to release those of you who have been wrongfully imprisoned and taken captive by the enemy in spiritual warfare.
In the book of Acts chapter two we read about the day of Pentecost when the disciples were in the Upper Room in one accord, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. They were so intoxicated with the glory of God that some of the onlookers thought that they were literally drunk with wine. Peter went on to say, these men are not drunk as you suppose, and he quoted the prophecy from the book of Joel 2:28-32.
The Holy Spirit showed me a lump of clay on a potter's wheel. The potter began to spin the wheel as he molded and shaped the piece of clay as he formed it. When making pottery on a potter's wheel, the clay has to first be centered, then water is applied before the potter begins his creation. The potter then shapes the clay into the image that he desires. There are different wheels used to create different vessels. The Lord has designed each one of us in a distinct way with a specific calling. Each person is created for a unique purpose and plan.
There is a story in the bible about the prophet Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel against their false gods. Elijah invited 450 prophets of Baal to a challenge. He asked them "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, then follow Him. If Baal is God, then follow him." Elijah then told them to make a sacrifice without a natural fire and the God who answers by fire will prove to be God. They built an altar, slaughtered and cut oxen, then laid them on the wood of the altar. Elijah told them to pray for their god to send fire to light their sacrifice.
The Lord says, I am raising up the men and women of faith to be mentors to the next generation of believers. They are those who are grounded in My word, know how to hear My voice, and are able to discern that which is spiritual from that which is carnal. They will disciple the younger ones and help them to discover their purpose for their lives, as they walk with them through their journey. They will train and equip them for their assignment ahead. They will mentor in stability through wisdom and love. These mentors will reach out and rescue those who are in desperate situations because they know what it is to pay the price as they have also been through difficult times.
On Thanksgiving evening the Holy Spirit began to reveal some things to me concerning the New Year. This is what He showed me. Just as there is a changing of the guard in the White House and president elect Donald Trump has 4,000 cabinet positions to fill, the Lord is looking for many positions to replace in seats of great authority in spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:4-11) as well as the five-fold ministry of the body of Christ. (Eph 4:11-12). Many prophetic voices will be raised up from the pit to the palace. Get ready for an upgrade.
In the natural it may appear as if the churches are dwindling down in membership, Christian friends are falling away, great men and women of God are passing away, and believers are declining in number. But the truth is, that God has a remnant that He has chosen for His end time army to usher in the greatest harvest in history. The fields are white unto harvest and it is about time that we take our place in what we have been called to do. Many of you feel inadequate, unqualified, or uneducated to be used by God. There was a man in the bible named Gideon who was fearful and weak in his own sight, but mighty in the eyes of God.
I want to share a word that I received one year ago that is more pertinent for today. This morning I was thinking about all the great men and women that the Lord has used in extraordinary ministries. I was wondering why most of those who have been called to be a voice for the Lord, or who have ministries of miracles, signs and wonders have been through so much adversity throughout their lives, but then I heard the Holy Spirit say, they are "The Lazarus generation." These are men and women on the front lines whom I have loosed from a death sentence and have chosen as My end time warriors.
The Lord is showing me that there are many people with troubled hearts. Some are full of confusion, some fear and some are even angry at God. There are some of you who have been offended which is causing bitterness and unforgiveness. The source of your dilemma is not from God but from the enemy. He is trying to steal, kill and destroy the plans and purposes that God has for your life. His aim is not at you personally, but he is trying to prevent you from advancing the kingdom of God. Your enemies are not people. Your enemies are the powers, principalities, rulers of darkness and wicked spirits in heavenly places. The spirit realm is real. You are in Covenant with the God who created the earth. Nothing is impossible with Him.