Faith is What? by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 To be the "substance," it means that something was projected and then the manifestation followed, because it is "evidence." There is good faith and bad faith - faith for evil and faith for good! Faith "alone" is not always just good. There are projections that go each way and witchcraft specializes in the dark side. Whether we like it or not, things are happening on both sides! So our skill has to be on overcoming evil with good and knowing Jesus.
Faith is What? by Pam Clark
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Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
To be the "substance," it means that something was projected and then the manifestation followed, because it is "evidence."
There is good faith and bad faith - faith for evil and faith for good! Faith "alone" is not always just good. There are projections that go each way and witchcraft specializes in the dark side.
Whether we like it or not, things are happening on both sides! So our skill has to be on overcoming evil with good and knowing Jesus.
A Spirit-World Issue
Confession alone is not faith. This is a spirit-world issue. The soul can confess, but it is when it links together with our spirit that it will cause faith, good or evil, to manifest.
This is why we must be taught spiritual warfare because the warfare is on.  We can see that on the nightly news!   We will surely see it during the upcoming elections process. What are we ultimately going to manifest?
Without knowing the Scriptures and God's purposes, it will be a flesh or carnal soulish manifestation - meaning a "me first" outlook, causing conflicts. Without the knowledge of God, we can be overcome by the power of numbers and strategies.
Why do you think so much is invested in elections? Most way outspend what they will ever earn through it!  But they buy the rights through it to make the laws of the land that will benefit them and/or the people. They buy the power to manifest their faith! (a strategy)
It was faith that saw Americans through the impeachment process, and it manifested. But that does not mean that the battle is over because the lines on that were drawn were close to 50-50.  So more strategies will come into play and both sides will solicit the numbers.
Going into the Courts of God's Justice System
We need our strategies for the things we want to see. But without the good and right knowledge of God, we will be carnal at best. Are you letting God teach you and train you? Are you passing off to others to care for what you should be tending?  
Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle.
I'm typing as fast as I can! (humor) In other words, it's not just a "physical" battle, but many times it is too! Your health makes a difference.
What substance will we see manifest in our future? Are you working on your declarations of faith? Do you know how to bind and loose?  We need wisdom!
Proverbs 8:14-16 (Living Bible) "I, Wisdom, give good advice and common sense. Because of my strength, kings reign in power, and rulers make just laws."
Do you know how to go into the Courts of God's Justice system?  Do you know how to pray without ceasing and what it means to pray through on a matter? Do you know what the basic belief systems are in your life? Is it a solid foundation?
What will your faith and our faith manifest to us? Are you aware of the wiles of the devil? Will we be overcomers? That will all matter! Some people can help us as individuals but they can't do it all. It will take unified efforts - and the right faith.
Pam Clark

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