Generational Blessings by Dana Mathisen

By Dana Mathisen
I dreamed that I was outside, and I was sitting next to my mother and my granddaughter. My mother was next to me and my granddaughter on the other side of her.  I looked and saw that there was fruit coming up from the ground. It was ripe and ready, so I reached down and pulled up a berry. It looked kind of like a mulberry, only much lighter and blue. It was long, which is something that stood out. It looked different. While it was the same in diameter, it was maybe a couple of inches longer than mulberries. Then next I picked up what I felt in my dream was pomegranate fruit only it looked like a little heart shaped seed pod, I peeled it open and took the seed out and went to eat it like you would a pomegranate seed. End
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I dreamed that I was outside, and I was sitting next to my mother and my granddaughter. My mother was next to me and my granddaughter on the other side of her.  I looked and saw that there was fruit coming up from the ground. It was ripe and ready, so I reached down and pulled up a berry. It looked kind of like a mulberry, only much lighter and blue. It was long, which is something that stood out. It looked different. While it was the same in diameter, it was maybe a couple of inches longer than mulberries. Then next I picked up what I felt in my dream was pomegranate fruit only it looked like a little heart shaped seed pod, I peeled it open and took the seed out and went to eat it like you would a pomegranate seed. End
Pomegranate fruit is referred to as the "Blessing Fruit."  It actually represents, fruitfulness, knowledge, learning, and wisdom. The blue and the unique shape of the other fruit speaks of new revelation. and deeper understanding breaking forth. This fruit came a different way then we would normally expect. I also feel it was greatly significant that this was a multi generational dream with my mother and my granddaughter and we were eating fruit from the ground together from the place we all lived.
When I awoke from this dream I knew it was not just for me, but for the Body of Christ Jesus. It speaks of restoration of the bloodline, restoring the house and aligning generations in righteous order so that His fruit can come forth.
This is what I feel on my heart to decree, that there is a re-establishment coming forth to bloodlines! Houses are being put in order. Many have been crying out for family members and loved ones to see the salvation of the Lord. What you have sown, what you have watered with tears is coming forth. Do not be dismayed if things happen in a way that you do not understand or expect. God has a plan and we can rest knowing He will work it together to our good. Trust Him.  Do not stop praying and interceding on their behalf. No matter the circumstance, no matter the situation, there is absolutely nothing too hard for the Lord to turn around. With Him ALL things are possible.  Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
There is an uprising taking place, and act of resisting the enemy and his plans, an act of taking the Kingdom by force. The Body is coming together, crying out, arising in stature and in Unity. This is breaking us through into our purpose and destiny, into a great awakening! Keep pressing onward Saints!
Love and Blessings in Jesus Name,
Dana Mathisen