Strategies for Gaining Wealth Dreams by Barbie Breathitt

By Barbie Breathitt
Divine strategies for success are created from the dream fibers of moral excellence, character, integrity, and love. God gave Jacob the ability to gain wealth through a dream. Jacob worked for Laban for many years, and Laban was a controlling and manipulative master. The time came for Jacob to move on and begin to provide for a family of his own. In a dream, God showed Jacob that he was to ask Laban for all of the newborn speckled, streaked, and gray-spotted lambs and rams. Jacob was owed payment that he'd so tirelessly worked for over the years.
Strategies for Gaining Wealth Dreams by Barbie Breathitt
Chosen by God
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Divine strategies for success are created from the dream fibers of moral excellence, character, integrity, and love.
God gave Jacob the ability to gain wealth through a dream. Jacob worked for Laban for many years, and Laban was a controlling and manipulative master. The time came for Jacob to move on and begin to provide for a family of his own. In a dream, God showed Jacob that he was to ask Laban for all of the newborn speckled, streaked, and gray-spotted lambs and rams. Jacob was owed payment that he'd so tirelessly worked for over the years. Laban agreed to give him the livestock he asked for because the streaked, speckled and gray-spotted rams were considered outcast and undesirable in the agricultural industry of that time. No one wanted them and they were not valued. Just as Jacob saw in the dream, the majority of the lambs and rams were born speckled, streaked and gray-spotted (Genesis 31:10–43).
Spiritually, what happened in Jacobs's dream was this: the angel of God visited him to answer his prayers for deliverance. The angel enabled him to see the divine strategies to prosper even while working under the controlling, manipulative hand of Laban. One lesson that can be taken from this story is that God is able to use what seems to be a throw-away remnant and make it into a lucrative source of income. This lesson applies to humanity today. God is still fashioning lives that are prospering and bringing him glory from broken, rejected, outcast people. Jacob was told to "Lift your eyes now and see all." He was given a visual plan he could see in his dream. We are changed when we behold God's idea of what we could become, even when it does not fit into society's mold of thinking. God's ways and thoughts are higher and it is God who sends wealth. Proverbs further drives this point home by showing us that with God are riches, honor, wealth, and prosperity; and with God our treasuries are full without the trouble of striving to attain it (Proverbs 8:18, 21 and 10:22). Believe in your heart's desire, and your dreams will guide you to ascend mountain heights of faith and prosperity.
Wisdom Dreams
The Lord sends poverty and wealth; He humbles and He exalts. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. (1 Samuel 2:7–8 NIV).
The revelation in this verse was God's message to Solomon, the wisest man in history. Solomon entered into revelatory dialogue with the Lord in his dream. He was given a spiritual ear to hear, and a heart of wisdom to understand and discern the voice of the Lord.
Solomon: "So give Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people to discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?"
It was pleasing in the sight of the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing.
God: "Because you have asked for a wise and discerning heart, I will also give you what you have not asked: riches and honor. There will not be any among kings like you for all of your days."
Then Solomon awoke and it was a dream. He went to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the Lord's covenant and sacrificed offerings to the Lord (1 Kings 3:9–15). Through this encounter with God, Solomon understood a heavenly principle of sacrifice and return. The more you offer to God, the greater the return. Multiply sacrificial giving and God will multiply the return.
The greatest power in the universe is love.
Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt