My Friend Maureen by Deborah Goodlove

By Deborah Goodlove
Maureen and I literally bumped into each other at church walking down the same isle. She was new, single and alone so I asked her to come and sit with me! She did and that is how our friendship started. Maureen came to singles class with me for a while. We had such joy when together. She is so vivacious and draws me out of myself. Truly a blessing in my life!
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Maureen and I literally bumped into each other at church walking down the same isle. She was new, single and alone so I asked her to come and sit with me! She did and that is how our friendship started.
Maureen came to singles class with me for a while. We had such joy when together. She is so vivacious and draws me out of myself. Truly a blessing in my life!
Maureen's story is so amazing. Maureen had a death experience, her heart stopped and she was literally in heaven with Jesus looking into His eyes of Love. She said it was so beautiful and his eyes so full of love there was no fear. Jesus asked her if she wanted to stay or go back. Maureen thought of her granddaughter and said I think my granddaughter needs me. The moment she said that she was back in this world!
Maureen had a stroke. She is the only one in the nation and most likely the world who after a stroke re-taught herself medical transcribing so she could go back to work. A miracle!
Once you have seen Jesus you are not the same! Maureen glows! Yes, she is just lit up with Holy Spirit and her personality exudes the Love of Christ. This draws people to her and also repels those who are in unbelief. The clash of kingdoms!
Maureen and I had some adventurous outings going out to eat and church and always had the joy of the Lord with us. One day in church during worship Maureen said, "Deb I don't feel right, I feel light headed and am having a hard time standing, I don't know if I can walk!"  I said Maureen have you never been drunk in Holy Spirit? I believe your drunk in Holy Spirit. And the wine of His presence was all over us, a tangible presence. Such a joyous experience! Drunk in the love of His Presence!
Maureen ended up in the nursing home after a fall breaking her leg. I visited her there. A couple years later I am in the same nursing home after double knee replacement and Maureen visits me. This last December Maureen fell again back in the same nursing home and I visit her. We had not seen each other for a while and there is just no difference in time when we reconnect. We could talk about the same staff and people in the nursing home, and share experiences.
One of my two favorite meal mates from when I was in the nursing home I found out had passed away. I visited with the other friend I had made at meals, Susan, when I visited Maureen. How much does it mean for someone who is in a nursing home for life to have visitors. Susan brought to tears with a simple visit. My heart about breaks and I tear up too.
Back to Maureen!
It seems God had plans for Maureen on this stay in the nursing home. Maureen is not fearful. After you have seen Jesus what fear is left? None, she knows where she is going. And she shares that with others. Maureen tells me stories of this current stay at the nursing home. She is so vivacious! The staff was delighted to have her there; they said the people were more alive than they had been before Maureen showed up! Isn't that just like Jesus bringing life!
As I sat talking to her in the nursing home one morning a man goes by in his wheel chair singing, "Love me tender love me true" and knocks on her door as he passes. Maureen laughs and calls out his name wishing him a good morning.
Maureen met a lady there who used to go to the church I go to that Maureen had visited for a while. This lady was close to dying and she really wanted one of the pastors from her old church to visit her. Well Maureen got right on it and got that pastor to come visit the woman. This woman needed some spiritual closure that Maureen could not give her. But when Pastor Rick visited the woman she got the spiritual closure or guidance she needed and was at peace. She thanked Maureen for setting up that meeting. In a couple days time this lady went home to be with the Lord.
Maureen would sing praise and worship songs in the morning in her room. Remember she is not afraid! And one morning there is a knock at her door as she had been singing. To her surprise a whole family enters her room! They wanted to thank her. Their mother had just passed to glory and Maureen's worship song was filling their mother's room as she passed away. They said it was so beautiful and peaceful. A coincidence, I don't think so!
Another man in the nursing home was dying. He could not respond or talk. Maureen had known him before he was in the nursing home. Maureen didn't know his spiritual condition. Maureen went into his room and got close to him and said, "I know where you are going and it's beautiful, I have been there, don't be afraid just say Jesus, ask for Jesus and you will be just fine." The man blinked a few times Maureen took that as a signal he heard her and understood. He died the next day.
So my dear sister in Christ had assignments from heaven while in the nursing home. She is out of the nursing home now and I know her assignments are not over. I look forward to what God is doing in her life and mine.
I look forward to outrageous times of love and joy with Maureen in our coming days.
Adventures with Maureen and with God!
Maureen, a special woman of God, dear to my heart and many others!
God bless you Maureen and thank you for letting me share part of your story!
Deborah Goodlove

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