Tithing Up Part 1 by Dr. Kluane Spake

By Kluane Spake
I'm beginning a section on tithing. And particularly the issue of "tithing-up." It should not embarrass us or anger us to talk about proper giving. Jesus talked more about giving and stewardship than any other topic. As a matter of fact, Jesus talked more about giving money to God than He did about the Kingdom of Heaven. How much money does Jesus want from you and me? Let me share two options with you. Option ONE: You can tithe. You can say, "If I give $11.42 as 10% and then I'm through with my giving because that is what I have to give and my obligation is satisfied. 
Tithing Up Part 1 by Dr. Kluane Spake
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I'm beginning a section on tithing. And particularly the issue of "tithing-up." 
It should not embarrass us or anger us to talk about proper giving. Jesus talked more about giving and stewardship than any other topic. As a matter of fact, Jesus talked more about giving money to God than He did about the Kingdom of Heaven. 
How much money does Jesus want from you and me? Let me share two options with you. Option ONE: You can tithe. You can say, "If I give $11.42 as 10% and then I'm through with my giving because that is what I have to give and my obligation is satisfied. 
This giving is often thought to be mandatory, under the hard taskmaster of the Law and is often given without much joy.1. While tithing is not emphasized (or taught) in the New Testament, it was assumed. 
  • The early church were Jewish believers who practiced Jewish customs (Acts 2:5, 21;20).
  • Tithing is not totally legalistic. It predates the Law and was the practice of Judiasm before and after Jesus. Tithing was a vow of Abraham and Jacob before the Law (Gen. 4:4; 14:20; 28:20-22).
  • The tithe was a measuring stick or a starting point. Remember that is "Is the Lord's" and it was called "holy" (Lev 27:30).
  • We know that tithing an essential "part" of the Old Covenant Law, it provided the way for the priesthood to function. Clearly, the ordinance of tithing funded the Levitical priesthood. And... The Levitical priests did "tithe up" to the high priest.
However, we don't see Jesus extending the Levitical priesthood in the New Testament Church. He never appointed one single priest (we are all priests because of Him). 
The New Testament Church is not intended to be a Levitical system in any way. Therefore, the Levirate structure is not the intended way to run or to finance New Testament Church.
Continuing soon!
Dr. Kluane Spake

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