Walls of Fire! by John Mark Pool

By John Mark Pool

Walls of Fire!

by John Mark Pool


John Mark Pool" 'For I,' declares the LORD, 'will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.'" Zechariah 2:5


There are all types of walls for all kinds of reasons in this world, so it would be absurd to say that walls have no place. However, to see the way humans have used them in contrast to the way God designed His wall, reveals that man looks on the outward appearance while our God looks on the heart. They say "good fences make good neighbors," but yet the wall of "offense" no matter the size creates division regardless which side a person lands. We must allow the Lord to demonstrate His glory presence to destroy the man-made walls of division that work to separate everyone from Christ's foundational purpose-as the only "Gate of Salvation!"  Jesus Christ, like no one else could, declared, "Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. Wherever they go, they will find green pastures."  Jesus is the door; Jesus is the way, the truth, the life and the only way of salvation for everyone. Jesus Christ is the one who established the Church without walls!


Currently we have a setting that is most perplexing, regardless of what side of our country's border you stand. We have neighbors both north and south who have for centuries learned to be co-existent one with another. We did not need walls then, and we do not require walls now. We needed the Lord then, and we need the Lord now, more than ever. Laws are to govern for our temporal well being, and the Lord Jesus Christ is government and our salvation offering eternal peace.


Early history reveals that a country made a monumental and lasting lesson for us to learn about walls. Consider the construction of The Great Wall of China that began in the third century bc.  Frequently referred to, as the "eighth wonder of the world" it is a wonder that with the cost of many lives, it was actually constructed. The Great Wall is about 1,500 miles, or 2,400 kilometers, in length. History tells us keeping out nomadic groups and raids were the reasons China constructed the Great Wall, as well as protecting their own from attacks by rival states. Yet all nations now freely trade and travel crossing the Great Wall, viewed mostly today as a tourist attraction. Walls had their purposes in military strength and strategy when pioneers settled new outposts and forts in new lands. Nevertheless, as in the days of Israel, we should not live hunkered behind walls built from devices of humanity that will never solve the issues of the heart.


We Need God's Walls of Fire While Abiding in His Glory Presence!


In Zechariah's day, the exiles had returned from captivity to rebuild their Temple but work on the Temple had stalled, and the people were ignoring the service of the Lord. Zechariah was a prophet who offered hope to a people of a desperate season. Zechariah had a vision that included a man with a measuring line, who was trying to determine the length and width of Jerusalem. His intention was perceptibly to initiate rebuilding the fortified walls surrounding the city. However, the man, in Zechariah's vision, was told that this would not be necessary. The man was informed that the number of God's people would be so great that Jerusalem's walls would not be able to contain them. (Zechariah 2:4).


Furthermore, they would not need "man-made barricades" because the Lord assured, "I...will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst" (Zechariah 2:5).


No matter the reasons, whether language, oppression from warring countries, economic devastation across a river in another country, walls can be scaled or broken through, regardless their height or strength!


"All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth." Hebrews 11:13


As strangers in the earth, we cannot look unto Walls of Man to further increase the Kingdom of God! We must bless, take dominion and multiply God's plan in this earth as it is in heaven. We do that with the Glory presence within His Walls of Fire! We are in this world, but we "not of this world." Our citizenship is the eternal Kingdom of God, not made by the hands of men. We, in one sense, are like the prophets of old, as aliens and strangers passing through as exiles on earth for a short season. What we do now counts forever!




We must allow the Lord to destroy the enemy's plans to build Walls of Injustice to keep souls from receiving the "Gates of Salvation." No country can simply swing wide its doors for any person, for any reason. No land could exist in that environment. The enemy would really make use of such irrational actions! That is not the issue for our country concerning illegal aliens. Honestly, as Christians, we must feel as aliens in a foreign land, which we are truly just passing through this world! We should not be steeped in this earthly place, because, like Jesus, we should not be "of this world." The Family Research Council's public statement says best, what I believe our nation's response as a Godly country should be, "Our nation's 'Golden Door' to new arrivals should remain open, but to do so it must be hinged on a strong policy that guarantees respect for the law and national security."  "Liberty and justice for all" truly means just that-for all-regardless of any wall.


We can, however, show that God looks into our hearts to demonstrate Himself to all humanity-regardless of race, color, gender, or language. Man sees from the outside walls of carnality, while God looks right into man's heart! Today is the time to decree that every nation represented within our borders come unto the one Kingdom of God no matter the background! This is our year to Breakout of any wall that keeps our hearts from the Salvation Gate of God!


I decree that we will agree and bring into existence, "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven!"


"The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7


Remember, as God's family, we could have no greater wall of safety than abiding in the Glory Presence personally with a loving Father!


Then, out of the abundance of our heart, Jesus Christ's truth of unconditional love, in concert with the Father's heart, opens the Gates of Salvation for all who will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.


God's plan is to form a city without walls of stone and barricades of human thinking but to offer an everlasting shelter (God's Kingdom) protecting His beloved within endless Walls of Fire!


God loves His all of His children, even more than you love yours, and rest assured that no one, or no enemy can scale or break through to His family without going through God's Great Wall of Fire!


Our protective "Wall of Fire" is never a "division" barrier to keep the lost out, yet the enemy knows when we are resting in the everlasting arms of God's loving and protective "Firewall." We can abide in the fiery glory of God that no weapon formed against us could ever stand.


God has Walls of Salvation and Gates of Praise!


"Violence will not be heard again in your land, Nor devastation or destruction within your borders; But you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise." Isaiah 60:18


There is coming a day that we will for evermore be within the heavenly boundaries that may appear endless, yet we do not need to wait for that day to bring others into this City of Refuge through Jesus guarding hearts with walls of salvation. We must share the fiery love of the Father's heart with those who will be looking for someone in a shaking land who knows the security from within the gates of praise. People will run into sanctuary of hope offered by those who abide in the secret place of the Most High God. We are about to experience what Zechariah promised, although His vision was indeed for Israel's hope then, it is for us now and all humanity!


I decree that the Fire of Pentecost celebration 2010 will be a part of Zechariah's vision that God's people will learn to abandon carnal division walls and embrace God's Wall of Fire as we abide in the Glory Presence within His City of Hope! We are the New Jerusalem for thousands, and one day will certainly be hidden within his walls of glory presence forever. Let the celebration time of Pentecost baptize us again in the Fire! Bring the lost in and secure them with God's Firewall today! Yes, today is indeed the "Day of Salvation!" Now is the time to bring others with us to safely abide in the Father's family sheltered within walls of fire and the glory presence of Abba Father. Shalom!


John Mark


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