Lost Authority by Dennis Reanier

By Dennis Reanier
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It's not our destiny to live according to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, maintaining a form of godliness without power. We are called to live in relationship with the Tree of Life resulting in authority with power to experience our inheritance. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is limited to a life based on the consequences of right and wrong. It limits us to our own mind, strength and ability to live a righteous life as we try to overcome the wrong of our sin by our own efforts. On the other hand, the Tree of Life offers freedom to overcome those limits based on our relationship with Jesus Christ, as a result of His righteousness, power and authority that has already defeated the curse of sin and death on our behalf.
When God created mankind in the Garden, He gave them complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the (tame) beasts, and over of all the Earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.
The Lord had given Adam and Eve authority over the entire Earth, including everything on it. He did not give them partial authority. He entrusted them with complete God-given authority over the natural realm called Earth, saying:
"Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the Earth, and subdue it (using all its vast resources in the service of God and man); and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth."
The word authority and the word dominion in the above verses are the same Hebrew word radah. It means "to tread down, to have dominion, prevail against, reign, to rule, or to take." God had originally designed mankind "in His own image." In other words, God had designed man with His very own DNA, allowing them to take on the image of God. He had created a family with sons and daughters representing His name. He had distinguished the supremacy of mankind from all the other beasts by making them in His own image and allowing them to inherit His authority and power.
Living in Dominion
Married into the very identity and purpose of mankind was this idea of living in dominion. God had made them to dominate by His Word. Every natural thing on earth was subject to the rule of mankind. They would tread down anything that would oppose their authority. God had chosen to share His dominion of heaven and earth by giving His authority over earth to mankind. God would continue to rule the spiritual while mankind would rule the natural.
When the serpent came to deceive Adam and Eve in the Garden, tempting them with the desire to be like God, he was trying to take away the authority that God had given to mankind. The serpent had no legal authority of his own to take it away by force. It was a gift that had been freely given to them by God. Only the authority of God in the spiritual was higher than the authority of mankind in the natural.
As long as they were resting in relationship with God, the serpent did not have the right to take the authority that had been given to them by God Himself. On earth the serpent would have to submit to the authority of mankind. Mankind had complete authority over all the earth. The serpent did not have any authority or power over mankind or the earth. He would have to trick them into giving him their authority by their own free will!
Separated from Your Identity
Unfortunately, the enemy was able to deceive Adam and Eve from resting in God. He successfully separated them from their identity in relationship with God. As a result, the enemy severed them from the image they were created in; they lost the authority, dominion and power that had been given to them over the earth. Satan literally tricked them through the appearances of circumstance to hand over the natural authority given to them by their own free will.
Adam and Eve were deceived into trying to receive by their own effort all that they had already been given by God. They decided to disobey God, eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They trusted in their own mind, strength and abilities to accomplish right and wrong. All the while, God's desire was for them to rest in relationship with Him, eating of the Tree of Life. He wanted them to choose the source of life over the appearance of life, depending on His mind, strength and abilities, instead of giving away the authority that God had entrusted to them by betraying themselves and breaking relationship with Him.
The good news for us is that when Jesus Christ died on the cross, He rose again and He defeated the enemy, death, and the curse of sin. He became a substitute for us by paying for our sins with His life. "The first man Adam became a living being (an individual personality); the last Adam (Christ) became a life-giving Spirit (restoring the dead to life.)"
Adam had lived according to his individual personality based on his own mind, strength and abilities. Jesus Christ became a life-giving Spirit resting in the mind, strength, and abilities of the Father, trusting Him in laying down His own life. His death became life to all those who were under the curse of sin and death, trying to rely on their vain efforts to receive His promises. He took back the authority based on His efforts that mankind had given away in the natural. The authority that was given away in the natural was now restored in the spiritual.
Holy Spirit Prompts
In one of our church services a woman attending was suffering from acute pain in both her back and neck. I was leading the church in prayer when I began to feel this sharp pain in my neck. The pain had surfaced out of nowhere and for no apparent reason. I knew Holy Spirit was using this pain in my neck to get my attention in order to prompt me to pray for someone's neck in the meeting.
At that moment, I asked anyone in the church who was experiencing acute pain in the right side of their neck to come to the front of the church so I could pray for them to be healed. Three women came forward that morning to receive prayer for healing. Following the meeting a woman who had been experiencing acute pain in her back and neck came to find me and tell me that her neck had been healed. She told me that she had been suffering in this condition for several years. Now for the first time in years all the pain in her neck was gone!
Dennis Reanier