Do you realize that joy is something you choose? There is a time for mourning, but it is not healthy on a daily basis. If gone unchecked, it can become a downward spiral of self-focus. Oppression is not a fruit of the Spirit. It takes no faith to be depressed. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Galatians 5:22 God has given us joy in His Presence. It takes a God-focus to enter into His joy. Jesus said the joy that I give you no man can take away. Even with the cross before Jesus it was "the joy that was set before Him" that gave Him the strength to endure it.
There is hope for the hopeless! Some people have great financial burdens and in the natural it looks impossible that anyone can help one with such a great need, but The LORD has shown me that if you follow the leading of The LORD, He will have you plant a seed. I've seen the fruit of doing this. The LORD had me plant a seed literally in my own life with my husband.
As we approach the mark of beginning for a new year, I am proclaiming: Jesus Is Lord Over 2025! I am proclaiming it for my own life, Capps Ministries, our nation, and FOR YOU. Won't you join with me in making that proclamation? Our words are powerful in our own lives and corporately they are even more powerful as we join in unity of the Spirit. Colossians 2:9-10 tells us "…in Him you are made complete, and He is the Lord of all princes and rulers." (Weymouth translation)
In a world that often pressures individuals to conform, living authentically is a radical act of self-acceptance and courage. To live authentically means embracing who we truly are, rather than molding ourselves to fit societal expectations. It requires honesty, self-awareness, and a willingness to stand firm in our values, even when faced with opposition. Authentic living begins with self-acceptance. This means recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, embracing our uniqueness, and acknowledging our emotions without judgment.
This past week, I discovered a fascinating place in the ocean's depths known as "the cushion of the sea." No matter the chaos above, this underwater sanctuary remains undisturbed. I find that so beautiful! Especially after two weeks of hurricanes, it's comforting to imagine that beneath those raging waters lies a realm of complete calm and tranquility. As I reflect on the cushion of the sea, it paints a vivid picture of how our souls can remain steady amid life's storms. God's peace serves as a soft cushion for our hearts in turbulent times.
Why doesn't God do something? How many times have you heard someone ask that question, imploring an answer to the violence and tragedies in the earth? If God really loves us, why does He allow children to die? If there is a God, why would such a good person die such a horrible death? These questions point to an intensely misguided supposition that God, being all powerful can do anything. With the emphasis on "power," the idea that an "all powerful" God would not stop such atrocities is a horrendous thought.
Deception has roots in our perceptions of lack in important areas of life (fear of death, love of money, lust, love). We all try to shore up our self-esteem and happiness by inventing identity and purpose to make sense of our story. When we're done building this castle that houses who we hope to be, it's a fortress that protects us from feeling of insignificant. Each brick in our castle is an argument or a pretension that props up a fragile ego.
In a world where there is so much hatred, there is a tide of love turning that will blanket the earth by those who represent God.  Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the only thing that can bring peace to the world. We must all strive to be beacons of love and light. If we allow ourselves to be filled with God's love in prayer, worship and faith it will overflow into the world around us. This love will bring hope, understanding, and healing to those in need. It will bring joy and comfort to those in need.
Do you realize that if you are a born-again believer in Jesus, you are a priest? The Bible says in First Peter 2:9 that we are a royal priesthood. But let's face it, most of us are uncomfortable with the title "priest."  In fact, when we hear the term priest, what comes to our mind is a picture of a man wearing a special collar or robe sprinkling people with holy water. Right? That makes us feel uncomfortable with who God called us to be–a priest unto Himself.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21 Maybe you have had a tough financial season, but God can turn everything around in the upcoming year. God owns it all. Prepare your heart and increase your faith in Him to do great things for your finances. There was a man in an airport waiting for his flight. He wanted a little snack, so he bought a cup of coffee and a bag of little donuts and sat down at a table. He pulled out his newspaper, grabbed the bag of donuts, and started eating one.

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