Election 2008
by Lou Engle

'When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith.'
- Abraham Kuyper
"For 35 years, I've been trying to defend the unborn child. And 19 years ago, in 1988, I came to Washington, and there were 400,000 people at the Washington Monument. And I stood up there on that day where I said, "I pledge hereby never for the rest of my life to vote for anyone who would kill innocent babies." That's been my life. That's been my belief, I can't now abandon that because we've got two bad choices here [in regards to the potential nominees of the 2008 Presidential Elections]." - James Dobson interviewed on October 8, 2007
Our nation stands at a critical moment in its history.
- Abraham Kuyper
"For 35 years, I've been trying to defend the unborn child. And 19 years ago, in 1988, I came to Washington, and there were 400,000 people at the Washington Monument. And I stood up there on that day where I said, "I pledge hereby never for the rest of my life to vote for anyone who would kill innocent babies." That's been my life. That's been my belief, I can't now abandon that because we've got two bad choices here [in regards to the potential nominees of the 2008 Presidential Elections]." - James Dobson interviewed on October 8, 2007
Our nation stands at a critical moment in its history.
Even as the vision of revival remains on the horizon of our prophetic imagination, the nation seems overwhelmed in lack of moral vision and clarity. 2008 looms largely ahead of us and is rapidly becoming the battlefield chosen for this war for the soul of our nation. Perhaps there is no clearer indication of this battle than the 2008 Presidential primaries and elections.
TheCall, JHOP and the other ministries that I am involved in are primarily prayer movements and not political organizations, thus I write for myself not representing any ministry or organization, but as a private citizen, and I ask you to prayerfully consider what I bring before you today…
A year and a half ago, I received a phone call from Bobby Conner, who has a profound prophetic gifting. He called me to tell me of an encounter he had one night when the Lord awakened him in his sleep and asked Bobby, 'Who do you want to be the next President of the United States?' Bobby responded quickly, 'Well Lord, I know who I don't want to be the next President of the United States.' The Lord thundered back and said, 'I did not ask you that.' Bobby then pondered the Lord's question and asked, 'Lord, who do you want to be the next president of the United States?' The Lord spoke, 'If the Church in America will lean into Me in prayer for this, he will come in a brown bag and his five loaves and two fish will be more than enough.'
Bobby Conner had this encounter a few years ago when no one was thinking about the 2008 Presidential Elections. But for the past few years now, intercessor friends and I have been praying over this word and asking for greater clarity to pray with insight for our future leader.
Just recently, we believe that the Lord may have given us a clue.
TheCall, JHOP and the other ministries that I am involved in are primarily prayer movements and not political organizations, thus I write for myself not representing any ministry or organization, but as a private citizen, and I ask you to prayerfully consider what I bring before you today…
A year and a half ago, I received a phone call from Bobby Conner, who has a profound prophetic gifting. He called me to tell me of an encounter he had one night when the Lord awakened him in his sleep and asked Bobby, 'Who do you want to be the next President of the United States?' Bobby responded quickly, 'Well Lord, I know who I don't want to be the next President of the United States.' The Lord thundered back and said, 'I did not ask you that.' Bobby then pondered the Lord's question and asked, 'Lord, who do you want to be the next president of the United States?' The Lord spoke, 'If the Church in America will lean into Me in prayer for this, he will come in a brown bag and his five loaves and two fish will be more than enough.'
Bobby Conner had this encounter a few years ago when no one was thinking about the 2008 Presidential Elections. But for the past few years now, intercessor friends and I have been praying over this word and asking for greater clarity to pray with insight for our future leader.
Just recently, we believe that the Lord may have given us a clue.
Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas and current Republican candidate seeking the Republican Nomination for President, after coming in second place in the Iowa Straw Poll in August behind Mitt Romney, a Mormon from Massachusetts, was asked how he was able to beat better-funded and more well-known candidates. Huckabee responded to this question from a news reporter from the Associated Press with, It wasn't just that we surprised people with a second showing, it's that we did it with so few resources. This really was feeding the 5,000 with two fish and five loaves.
When I first heard about this report, I was stunned. Could God be giving us direction regarding the future leader of this nation? Then, just a few weeks ago, while being interviewed on a Sunday morning news show, Huckabee was again asked to explain how he has suddenly surged in the national polls, he responded, 'Well, you know, the same way the little boy fed 5,000 with two fish and five biscuits. We've just got a lot of people praying that what little we have will turn into much, and it has.'
Recently, I have been receiving numerous inquiries as to my thoughts related to the 2008 Presidential elections because of some specific words released that seem to indicate that our next president may not be or seem to be pro-life and that he would be born again during his tenure in the White House. I am not sure what God has said about this and whether this word is a warning of God's judgment against a prayerless Church or whether it is a false prophecy. Nonetheless, what I do know is that we must, as the Prophetic Church boldly resist in prayer, fasting, and any other way, any candidate who is not actively pro-life.
Finally, let me be clear: I refuse to support, in any way, any politician or candidate who is not actively pro-life and would allow the killing of innocent babies.
Recently, I have been receiving numerous inquiries as to my thoughts related to the 2008 Presidential elections because of some specific words released that seem to indicate that our next president may not be or seem to be pro-life and that he would be born again during his tenure in the White House. I am not sure what God has said about this and whether this word is a warning of God's judgment against a prayerless Church or whether it is a false prophecy. Nonetheless, what I do know is that we must, as the Prophetic Church boldly resist in prayer, fasting, and any other way, any candidate who is not actively pro-life.
Finally, let me be clear: I refuse to support, in any way, any politician or candidate who is not actively pro-life and would allow the killing of innocent babies.
This is not a political statement, but a moral stance that I take as a Christian living out biblical standards of justice and righteousness. I want to be clear that I do not stand on prophetic words alone, but ultimately and decisively on biblical principle and Truth when deciding who to support in the democratic process. More and more, I am convinced that history belongs to the intercessors, and thus, we must remain committed to pray and fast for God to raise up righteous government leaders in our nation (Psalm 75:6-7).