Round Table of the Prophets: Revelation for 2009 by Bob Jones

By Bob Jones
Round Table of the Prophets: Revelation for 2009

  by Bob Jones




January 16th is prophetically an important time of year. The almond tree, which represents leadership, blooms at this time of the year, signifying God's approval. On January 16, 1956 in Chicago, Illinois, William Branham delivered a message to an unbelieving church that had refused the Holy Spirit. He stated that the Holy Spirit would not return for a generation (40 years). On January 16, 1994, Bob Jones was instructed to bring together a "round table of prophets" for the purpose of sharing what would begin to happen that year. Each year since then on the 16th of January, Bob and a group of other prophets meet for that same purpose.

Revelation by Bob Jones posted on Bob and Bonnie Jones website on February 20, 2009:


People will lose so much that a spirit of anger will arise in the unsaved; their kingdom will be destroyed.

The Lord's Watchmen shall rise up and reveal the enemy and his plans before the enemy is able to attack. For you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. The religious spirit has come among you to spy out your liberty, but you shall discern his activity and have authority over the tormenter. You will actually taunt him like Jesus did.


This is the year we'll discern what is holding back breakthrough from the Body of Christ. The religious spirit is coming down and the Spirit of Truth is replacing him. Forewarned is forearmed; those who torment the enemy and drive him from his stronghold shall come forth.

Zechariah 1:20-21, "Then the Lord showed me four smiths or workmen (one for each enemy horn, to beat it down). Then said I, What are these (horns & smiths) coming to do? And he said, These are the horns or powers that scattered Judah so that no man lifted up his head. But these smiths or workmen have come to terrorize them and cause them to be panic-stricken, to cast out the horns or powers of the nations who lifted up their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it."

Those who have wrestled with God like Jacob did shall have their hip touched, which is their commitment. In our weakness he will be made strong.

The almond tree shall bloom and bring forth fruit. The Lord shall reveal approval of His leadership like Aaron's rod did.

This is the year the elderly will go bankrupt trying to support their children. Their children will fight over their inheritance before they have any. Don't try to "fix the fix" that God is fixing. Let them be accountable for their own debts.

The economy will not be as bad as some think but won't be as good as others think!

Bonnie's Revelations: I saw an open Heaven; when they make a report and the Body is submissive, He'll move on their behalf.

We must watch our footing; there are many traps. What "looks good" can easily be a trap-good is the enemy of the best. We must use good Godly discernment.


This is the year we call down fire from Heaven to destroy the abominations of Ashtera. "This is the year many climb the mountain of God looking for Me and find Me."

This is the year of Joy! "As loved ones go home, their hearts are flooded with My presence in the absence of their loved ones."

This is the year resurrection power supersedes satan's plan of death for many. "My power in faith devours satan's antics."

Ones will arise out of the West to bring forth the new move of God.


"The fresh wind will blow upon My people and shower them with unnatural, unprecedented blessings. My cup runneth over to those who are faithful in Me. No longer will the saved be brave in Me; they will move in such power and My authority that the Church will be riddled with extreme prophetic assemblance.

"My power rises up this year in the faithful of the faithful when they pray according to My will and I meet their request with fire. I fan the flames this year; no longer will man faint but stand armed strong in revelation power of Me." Amen.

"Now, go to the closet," says God, "and prepare the manifest in Me" (see Isaiah 26:20).

"Today, I blast the prophets with prophetic insight and revelation of Papa's love. I anoint them to sing My song in harmony with Me. The true prophets will move in resurrection power. The false will not!"

You will see a reckoning of the sexes this year! Many have knelt a knee to the Branch in years past. This year, they bow to the tree. Amen.

"Come into My presence; come into My glory in Me." Amen.

"Dominions shatter," says God, "as I set forth My manna in praise. To look upon the almond tree and live is death to the soul. My true saints come forth this year in power evangelism, guarding My glory as the presence of My glory is with them." Amen.


"No longer does the hand of the Shulammite woman quiver and shake. She walks in resurrection power in Me. Her words are soft-spoken, but very powerful. She moves mountains with only a whisper. Her tongue is riddled with My glory and power flows from her hands.

"The honey flows from the honeycomb this year! I smite the giants in the land and bring forth the honey from the Rock of Salvation.

I hear My Bride as she whispers.
I hear My Bride as she prays.
Her whispers are upon My heart forever; etched is the memory of her praise.
Her heart beats one with mine,"
says God, "as I prepare the wedding feast.

"It's a time for jubilation," says God, "as I set the captives free." Amen.

"Now, come into the closet and praise Me," says God. "See the reality of hope arise." Amen.

Bob and Bonnie Jones
The Prophetic Ministry of Bob and Bonnie Jones

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