The Called Out Ones Literally By Adam Larson

By Adam Larson

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Some Distinction Please


In life in general you will find good ministry and bad ministry, true and false, honest and sincere or not.  Then there are the mature and immature, seasoned and not so seasoned or novices you could say; however lately I have seen a whole lot of lumping of all those categories together.  I'm speaking specifically of the rise of those who speak and write against personal prophecy, especially internet personal prophecy and the receiving of any kind of monetary donation for this type of ministry. 


The ministry of the true prophet's right to live is not different compared to the ministry of the pastor, teacher, evangelist or apostle's right to live is it?  I find it interesting to say the least, when we see so many negative opinions, judgments, writings and teachings about prophets receiving donations for functioning in one of the aspects of their gifting that the Lord has given to them, with this command to His ministers (1 Cor 9:14).  When there is not much said about the other four ministry gifts receiving a monetary donation for functioning in one or more aspects of their giftings. 


Why the Double Standard?


I never hear of a problem when a minister writes a book by the Holy Spirit's leading, Holy Spirit wisdom, words, insights, prophecy, teachings and then sells that spiritual book for a set price and makes a personal profit over and above the cost of the book materials, but somehow the Holy Spirit ministry of word of knowledge, wisdom, discernment, prophecy etc., in a personal word is different or so it seems, and even if there is material costs involved to the prophetic minister it doesn't seem to matter.  We hear freely give as you have freely received, and it's taken out of context.  I don't get the double standard, when many who speak and write against prophets receiving donations do just that, they sell books that Holy Spirit helped them write for a profit?  Holy Spirit ministry is involved in each office gifting; if not then I don't want what that person is giving because it will be dead if Holy Spirit is not in it. 


The pastoral gifting receives tithes and offerings when they function, as well as the apostle, teacher and evangelist.  Some are in churches; some are itinerant ministers, some are missionaries etc., but most live off of the gospel that they preach by the Holy Spirit.  1Cor 9:14 Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live off of the gospel.


It really comes down to the true answers to these few simple questions? 


Is the Holy Spirit truly in it? 


Is the minister called by the Lord to function in this gifting?


Is the minister's heart right before the Lord in this ministry?


Did the Lord commission the prophet or prophetic minister to give personal prophecy over the internet and receive donations?


Did the Lord Grace the minister to be able to prophecy over anyone that comes to their ministry seeking true prophetic ministry?


Those questions truly answered trump all "opinions" of what man thinks about their own interpretation of scripture, the internet minister, Love offerings, free will donations, set amount donations or internet prophets or personal prophecy, etc.


Psychic Witch Hunt


I have read in these articles that it's stated that this type of ministry is to the likes of one seeking a psychic and /or paying for a psychic reading.  Well there are a few big differences like the (Spirit source, relationship with God, Truth, Love, blessing, just to name a few) between true prophecy by Holy Spirit and a psychic reading (wrong spirit, wrong motive, dead works, false, curse, etc.) and money is not one of them, money is just a tool neither good nor bad, it is the intent of the one's using the money in giving and receiving of the money that is the blessing or the curse, not just the transaction but what comes of the transaction, ultimately what is the source.  If it were just about money or any gain then any prophet who received monetary gain, offering, food or clothing or shelter would fit in that category of the psychic. The king's true godly prophets, like Nathan the prophet or Samuel the prophet who were kept by the king's and provided for in these ways they would be looked at as giving psychic readings if we follow this line of thinking, since they were on the king's payroll so to speak. There were prophets who didn't receive offerings at certain times but this was a matter of obedience to God in the moment not a blanket rule for all times.  Samuel the prophet received a financial offering when approached to seek the Lord about a prophetic request, was he wrong to do so?  Samuel a true prophet of God taking a money offering for a prophetic word?  Did that make him a psychic, giving a psychic reading? 


The Heart and Maturity


It is simply about the heart of the person seeking and the heart of the prophet or minister ministering. Not about money, amounts of money, or opinions of who should or shouldn't minister in this way or that.


Maturity in the prophetic ministry is needed on all sides, and when personal prophecy is considered we must realize it is very much needed but really is only a part of the mandate of the prophet, prophetic minister or the five-fold ministry. The people should not run to a prophet every time they want to hear God, they must cultivate their own relationship and learn to hear Him for themselves.  For the prophet teaching others how to hear God for themselves is very important.  Teaching, preaching, praying and prophesying are all needed in the working parts of the gospel of the kingdom message to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.  Prophets do that, they equip, they teach, they call on gifts to be realized and matured, they impart gifts, they point out areas that need maturing, they bring a deeper knowledge of relationship with the Lord. They reveal God's heart personally and corporately and in many other ways.  They create hunger to know the Lord more.  Many times this happens through mature prophetic ministry and the vehicle used often is personal prophecy over the internet,  and a love gift or offering may be given, just as in a church building tithe or offering may be given when these same things are taking place, or a book or workbook is being sold.  It is about the motive of the heart.  


Where's the Grace?


Just as an evangelist or pastor may have an off night, or give a not so great message, so may the prophet, so give grace.  The prophet seems to be the most criticized gift and office; they seem to have the most do's and don'ts attached to their life. Don't ask for any finance to live or eat or provide for your family, do give freely to all who ask no matter what time of night or day or number of requests, don't miss it or we will stone you for being false. Do take all criticism and continue to love and give freely even when you can't support yourself or loved ones, don't question us when we question you about your calling, gifting, words, money etc.  Thank God for prophets. Amen!!!


God Called 'Em, So Now What?


There is an increase in internet ministry in all of the offices and giftings because the Lord is moving and His people are moving to the original command of preach the gospel to all and go make disciples, and there are many working parts in the preaching of the gospel and the making of disciples on a worldwide basis, personal prophecy fits in just as much as any other grace or gifting that comes by Holy Spirit.    


Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged (No Fleshy Judgments Allowed)


It is important to bring a distinction between true ministry that may or may not receive a gift for ministry, compared to false or misleading, or even immature ministry.  That is where the teachings, and writings and opinions have fallen short; the ones I have read have lumped all internet prophetic ministries together and blanket judged them by human opinions.  I don't pretend to know everything but I do know by Holy Spirit that I have no place telling every prophetic minister on the internet that they are wrong for receiving a love gift or offering for their ministry, expenses, time and effort. Are there the ones that will give a false prophecy just get a donation? I'm sure there is somewhere, should a few bad ones ruin it for the ones doing it right and for the right reason?  Are there those who abuse the ability to minister prophetically? Yes I'm sure there are, but again you don't hold that against all prophetic internet ministers.  You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.    


The Real Deal


I personally believe there are many who God has spoken to directly as a mandate and a commissioning to be on the internet giving personal prophecy and receiving offerings to make their living from the proclamation of the gospel through their ministry call, gifting and grace.  I also believe they can prophesy by the Holy Spirit a true word to anyone who seeks them for a prophetic word because the Lord specifically graced them to do that type of ministry.  I also believe there are those who are prophets or prophetically gifted and are not to take any offerings for prophetic words on the internet, and there are those who have the gift but do not have an on time true word for just anyone who comes to their ministry. It is as the Holy Spirit wills, some are graced with it, and some are not, it's just as He wills to each one.   


Realizing and Relationship


I believe that is what we have to get down to realizing it's a personal call and a personal relationship with the Lord.  All are not called to internet ministry, all are not called to the church building, and all are not called to be a missionary in Africa, Asia or Texas.  We must realize this and stop pointing fingers at the gifts and callings we personally don't have and stop passing judgments on other ministries and ministers in general.  I know that I don't want to be in the place of judging another in ministry just because I don't understand or agree with what they are doing in their personal ministry, unless the Lord specifically called me to correct them biblically. I pray for them and let the Lord handle it, and don't assume I'm correct, or in some cases I try not to assume I'm correct, just being honest.  I pray that He corrects me with the Truth when revealed whatever it may be.


Waiting on the Lord


I only wrote this after months of waiting and seeing more and more opinions against the subject's in question.  I prayed and asked the Lord about it, and once I believed I was confirmed I asked what to do and that is why I have written this letter.  Not to point fingers at any one person or group but to debunk many opinions, judgments and blanket statements given about internet ministers, internet prophets, personal prophecy and donations, love offerings or monetary gifts and gain. 


I'm sure there are those who will still hold to their negative opinions about the internet, prophets, prophecy, offerings, etc. No matter what, and that is you're right to do so.  My thought in closing: When we have questions it's a good idea to take it to the Lord first and wait on Him, it would save us a lot of problems in the long run.  I know from experience.




Adam Larson

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