Facts verses Truth by Georgina Buchanan

By Georgina Buchanan
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When we are standing in faith, and believing for the impossible, the greatest battle we fight is, THE FACTS versus THE TRUTH. It took me a long time to understand that this was where the difficulty lay. I would read the scriptures, have great prophetic revelations and insight, feel ready to go MOVE the mountain that rudely stood in my way and then, I would get hit square in the face with the FACTS. You know the ones; the stack of unpaid bills - the foreboding letter from the IRS - the test results from the doctor. All of these are facts that no amount of faith talk, or scripture quoting can make disappear. After much struggling with this issue I heard Holy Spirit whisper to my spirit, "You are confusing the facts with the truth." I responded with an in-eloquent  "Huh?"  He slowly repeated Himself again, "You are confusing the facts with the truth."  It took several days pondering this information and then, as always, the revelation came.
Faith is not denying what is - but denying its right to be. The fact may be, I am in desperate need of finances, but the truth IS - He has given me all provision.  He has GIVEN me the power to get wealth.   The fact is - I may be physically sick with an incurable disease, but the Truth is by his stripes I AM healed and sickness has NO rightful place in my body. Though the fact may be - I am being summoned by the one who has the power to cause me great distress, harm and fear; but the truth is, Father God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind, (2 Peter 1:7) and I can face my enemy with confidence and be secure in knowing that, the Holy Spirit is my counsel, and so, I will not be afraid.
The Spirit will Lift up a Standard
When in a life coaching session with someone, most often the first part of the session is filled with them stating the facts of their life. Whether it be marital problems, health issues, or financial woes, the facts are true, not imagined. In this past season, Father's children have been facing great and often horrific facts of despair. This revelation of truth verses the facts has completely changed the way I view life. The Word says, "When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19 NKJV) What is that standard? It is the knowledge that the TRUTH of God's Word is greater than any fact that may come my way.
The enemy of our soul magnifies the facts hoping we will forget the truth. He CANNOT change what God has said, but he is working overtime to keep us from using the truth. The Word says, to worship him (God) in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24) It also says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood (facts) but against the rulers of darkness. (Ephesians 6:12) There is no light in the darkness, so if the enemy can keep our understanding in the dark, so to speak, we will be overcome with fear. We do not deny the fact that there is great darkness in the earth today, but the Word says in John 1:5, that the darkness will NEVER be greater than the LIGHT.
Going By what You Know, Not what You See
Facts are physical - TRUTH is spiritual. It so saddens the Father to know that so many of his children are living according to what they see, and not by what He has said. As a life coach, I spend way too much time teaching Christians the difference between what they see, and what they should know. We have put so much emphasis on memorizing and reading the Word, but so little time in getting an understanding of the Word. The scripture says in Proverbs 4:7 (NKJV) Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.
The devil can quote the Word just as we can, however, there is NO TRUTH in him. Jesus said to some religious Jews in John 8:44 (NKJV) You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
We have got to stop falling for what I call the trick of the fact. The enemy presents the facts as truth, but the devil's facts can be CHANGED by Father God's Truth; but the devil's facts CANNOT change our Father's Truth.
Brothers and sisters, this IS THE GREATEST SEASON OF ALL. This season is ALL ABOUT OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. This season is when the manifested sons and daughters of God are going to be REVEALED. We, who have yielded in the past season, will rule in this new season. Though the facts appear to overshadow the truth to such a degree that many Christians are buying up freeze-dried foods, and running for the hills. The truth is, SUDDENLY, our empty vessels will be filled to overflowing - the weak will be strong - and our tears will be replaced with joy. (Proverbs 3:10, Joel 3:10, Psalm 126:5) Stop listening to the peddlers of fear, return your sea rations, and start rejoicing, for the battle is not ours, but it belongs to our Father (2 Chronicles 20:15)  and just in case the facts have caused you to forget - HE (we) WIN and the spoils belong to us!
So the next time ole stupid sticks the facts in your face, just give him an earful of the TRUTH.
Georgina Buchanan,