Dr Jeremy Lopez is Founder and President of Identity Network International and Now is Your Moment. Identity Network is one of the worlds largest prophetic resource websites that reach people around the globe and distributes ebooks, books, audio downloads, teaching CDs and DVDs. Jeremy has taught and prophesied to thousands of people from all walks of life such as churches, producers, investors, business owners, attorneys, city leaders and musicians around the world concerning areas such as financial breakthrough's, life-changing decisions and discovering your career
Dr Jeremy Lopez is an international teacher, life coach, dream coach and motivational speaker. Jeremy speaks on Biblical principles and universal kingdom laws. He has a love for all people and desires to enrich and empower them to be successful. Jeremy believes it is time to awaken the treasure within people to live out the victorious life that was meant for us. His desire is to live a life filled with purpose, potential, and destiny.
This is accomplished through conferences, seminars and one on one life coaching sessions. He serves on many governing boards and speaks to business leaders across the globe. He has coached and prophesied to those such as President Shimon Peres of Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Governor Bob Riley of Alabama, millionaires and so many others in the political field. He has travelled to many nations and has hosted and been a guest on several radio and TV programs from Indonesia to New York.
He is the author of nationally published books and E-books, including his newest book, Creating Your Soul Map: Manifesting the Future You with a Vision Board, Creating With Your Thoughts, The Universe is at Your Command, Abandoned to Divine Destiny, The Power of the Eternal Now, Releasing the Power of the Prophetic, Awakening to Prosperity, You Were Born to be An Entrepreneur, Divine Direction for Finding Success, Birthing Forth Your Prophetic Word, Power Attraction and many more! He also has many courses and schools such as School of the Law of Attraction, School of Thought, Visualization and Imagination, School of Seers, Dreamers and Visionaries, School of Financial Perception and Mental Economics, School of the Prophets Complete Course, School of Dreamology, School of Awakening into Christ Consciousness and many more!
Jeremy has been recognized by many leaders around the nation.
Jeremy Lopez is an entrepreneur, successful dream and life coach, motivational speaker, humanitarian and teacher. His love and passion for discovering and teaching people how to release the mindsets that holds them back from achieving their fullest potential is what drives him and gives his life purpose and meaning.
In the last 10 years he has grown successful companies and written 101 great selling books.
Thousands of ministers, entrepreneurs and individuals worldwide are currently using his life coaching techniques to develop unstoppable confidence and certainly in achieving their vision, business goals and personal best.
Today Jeremy teaches, consults and coaches extensively around the world and sees life-changing results including breaking free of doubts, fear, uncertainty, lack of confidence and certainty, etc.
As an inspirational and motivational speaker Jeremy focuses on:
Endorsements for Jeremy Lopez

You are put on this earth with incredible potential and a divine destiny. This powerful, practical man shows you how to tap into powers you didn't even know you had.
- Brian Tracy, Author, The Power of Self-Confidence

Within 'Creating with Your Thoughts,' Jeremy dives deep into the power of consciousness and shows us that we can create a world where the champion within us can shine and how we can manifest our deepest desires to live a life of fulfillment. A must read!
- Greg S. Reid- Forbes and Inc top rated Keynote Speaker

Jeremy Lopez has a true desire to help people connect with God through the Holy Spirit. His unique ability to communicate with simplicity is needed in the Church today. I highly recommend his ministry and training resources. - Doug Addison, InLight Connection
I have been privileged to have known Jeremy Lopez for many years as well as sharing the platform with him at a number of conferences. Through this time I have found him as a man of integrity, commitment, wisdom and one of the most networked people I have met. Jeremy is an entrepreneur and a leader of leaders. He has amazing insights into leadership competencies and values. He has a passion to ignite this latent potential within individuals and organizations and provide ongoing development and coaching to bring about competitive advantage and success. I would recommend him as a speaker, coach, mentor and consultant. - Chris Gaborit Learning Leader, Training & Outsourcing Expert, Entrepreneur, Network Orchestrator
Jeremy Lopez is a real gift. He is authentic, passionate, and has an amazing love for God, people, and life. As Founder of the Identity Network, he has been able to deliver relevant connectivity, teaching, and resources across the world. He hears the voice of God and helps others to hear God's voice for their own lives. He is an engaging speaker and makes an impact in every community he serves. I highly recommend him - Robert Ricciardelli, Talk Show Host, Thought Leader, Life/Business Coach, Growth Catalyst, Writer, Speaker
In a season like this, we need sound prophetic ministry that flows from the mercy seat rather than the judgment seat. Prophetic ministry established in present truth and recognizes due order is not always easy to find but such is the ministry of Jeremy Lopez. - Bishop David Huskins, Senior Pastor Cedar Lake Christian Center
I've been blessed to minister alongside Jeremy Lopez. I love his passion. I love the word of God in him and I see the love that shines through him from the Father and Jesus Christ to the body. He encourages, he exhorts and he brings comfort with clarity with his prophetic gift. You will be greatly blessed by Jeremy Lopez. - Julie Meyer, International House of Prayer
Jeremy Lopez is a great friend and an amazing prophet that moves in such a powerful anointing and preaches the word of God with power and fresh revelation. As Jeremy releases the prophetic word, the atmosphere changes with the presence of God and the person or persons receiving that word are incredibly blessed and ministered to. I received many words from many prophets but the prophetic word that Jeremy gave me personally is one of the most detailed and accurate words that I have ever received. Jeremy's ministry is one that I strongly support and I encourage you to invite him to come and minister at your church, conference or event today! - Damon Stuart Worship Ministries
Jeremy Lopez has a unique writing style of simplicity that communicates the truth of God in a clear and concise way. He demystifies what it means to be a prophet, the characteristics that accompany a prophet, and makes it understandable to the reader. Jeremy is very balanced and scripturally sound in his approach to the prophetic ministry and clearly outlines why we must have it in operation in our midst today. As Jeremy shows, being a prophet is not easy, but well-respected prophets are a much-needed asset to the Body of Christ. - Randy Clark, Global Awakening
In this book, The Power of the Prophetic Spirit, Jeremy Lopez brings to the readers his revelatory insight into the prophet's ministry. Written with honesty and simplicity to help everyone to receive from this most needed ministry today. As the desire to know more about Prophets and their flow in the spirit - this book will be one of great help. - Roberts Liardon, Roberts Liardon Ministries
This work is a much needed foundational, yet insightful look at the prophetic and revelatory ministry. Jeremy Lopez does a great job on not simply rehashing what's already out there, but bringing some fresh nuggets that will surely yield an impartation of the prophetic. This work is much like the hand of Elisha on his servant (2 Kings 6:17), that yielded open eyes to perceive in the spirit realm, and was a catalyst of fresh faith. I trust that this easy to read, yet profound book will catapult you to new levels of revelatory release. Let's take this spiritual weaponry to the streets and see a marketplace revolution released. - Sean Smith, Sean Smith Ministries
If you desire to know the balanced understanding of walking in the prophetic anointing of God, you could not have a better source than The Power of the Prophetic. Jeremy Lopez is a proven prophetic voice for God that offers anyone hungry for the real prophetic knowledge a real prophetic guidebook. The Power of the Prophetic is brought to you by someone with years of Bible-based prophetic preaching, teaching and utilizing the gifts and office of the Lord with integrity. This is a "must-have" guide to all who want a prophetic manual that will guide you in prophetic comprehension in your walk with God in the gifts we should all desire to acquire. You will find that it is not important that all be in an office of prophet as Jeremy Lopez, or have a gift of prophecy as many others, however, this book will instruct you correctly regardless your calling so that "all may prophesy." - John Mark Pool, founder Word to the World Ministries

God is raising up true sons that are after His heart and know His voice is filled with the pure expression of His love. You will find a treasure of insights and principles on living the prophetic life and functioning in the prophetic through this new book! - John Belt, Overflow Global Ministries
The prophetic is a powerful Tool, when used properly, to bring comfort and encouragement to those who are crying out for answers. In the hour in which we are living, it is imperative for us to know the voice of God, and be quick to obey when He speaks. Jeremy Lopez brings incredible insight into this often misunderstood gift. He speaks out of his years of moving In The prophetic and gives keys that de-mystify prophetic ministry making it practical and attainable. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to you. May the Lord stir the desire in us to hear His voice. God does nothing without first speaking to His servants the prophets. - Andre Ashby, Souls' Cry Ministries
With wisdom and clarity, Jeremy Lopez presents the prophetic principles that have been the foundation of his own achievements. He explains how the prophetic can be a cornerstone to a successful prophetic filled life, success based on God's guidelines. Written with simplicity and depth that will have life-changing effects. Your spirit will be catapulted into a higher dimension of key understanding when you read this book. - Brian Lake, Brian Lake Ministries
For the last 30 years the church has been in the midst of a paradigm shift in regards to the prophetic. Misuses, flakiness and outright abuse have largely been the order of the day. People have been so hungry for something that they fall for anything with a "prophetic" label. Thankfully the Lord is raising up true teachers and leaders in the prophetic movement to move it forward to the place of maturity and seasoning that earmarks a true move of God with lasting fruit. In Jeremy's volume, "The Power of the Prophetic Spirit" we see an unusual combination of the teacher mantle and prophetic mantle operating harmoniously to bring the necessary revelation to the movement. Thank God for people like Jeremy who pay the price for the authentic. You will gain insight and understanding by reading, "The Power of the Prophetic Spirit" as I did. - David Tomberlin, David Tomberlin Ministries

Jeremy helps us to eagerly desire Prophecy as the Scripture commands through his new book. He not only brings prophetic ministry to light through fresh teaching, he also helps write into the role of a prophet that will be especially helpful to leaders around the world. Jeremy is a man who has paid a price for his own prophetic gifting and out of that comes this easy to read, insightful book. - Shawn Bolz, Expression58.com

God is awakening a generation to the realms of the Spirit. He is giving eyes and ears to a company of people who will hear His voice and respond to His heart. In this book, Jeremy Lopez gives valuable insights for activating your spiritual senses and engaging Heaven. The prophets, seers and forerunners of old have laid foundational blueprints for the 21st-century church to build upon. As you read this book, position yourself to encounter the same Spirit of Revelation that the fathers of our faith knew, bringing forth the power and demonstration of God's Kingdom in your own life! - John Crowder, Sons of Thunder Ministries
Jeremy has some great fresh insights for those who move in the prophetic and those who just want to understand it. He talks simply about the role of the prophet and what he/she is really all about. Enlightening. - Kathie Walters, Kathie Walters Ministries
What is your Prophetic Destiny? Without prophetic revelation, there is no movement! Jeremy Lopez has incredible clarity in this book, The Power of the Prophetic Spirit, to help you not only find and step into your destiny but to have wisdom in fulfilling your prophetic destiny. - Tammy L. Alsup, Founder Kingdom Alignment International
n a spiritual landscape riddled with the shipwrecks of ministries, it is refreshing to see one that stands out like a beacon in the midst of the fog. The horizon of contemporary ministry often appears dismal then God suddenly begins to raise up people such as Jeremy Lopez and Identity Network that "throws the net on the other side" and sets a new paradigm. My hat is off to Jeremy and the trail he is blazing and the new standards he is setting. In a harvest that is great and a church that is by and large still standing on the sidelines of it - it is emboldening to hear the cry of revival in Jeremy's heart. See you in the fields! - Chad Taylor, Consuming Fire Ministries
Among sounds and echoes out there, Jeremy Lopez is a prophetic voice that I will listen to! I find that Jeremy possesses an excellent and humble spirit while operating in a powerful anointing. That's a combination you won't often find these days. Jeremy has a keen grasp of present truth and truly operates as a New Covenant prophet. I know you will be encouraged and edified by what he has written here. Truly a word is spoken in due season! - Doug Fortune, In Christ International
Dr Jeremy Lopez is a unique man! His style of ministry is a ministry of a prophet filled with holy fire. He ministers under an Elijah Anointing seasoned with New Testament grace. I have seen this man minister and find him incredible. His heart is full of the love and mercy which is what people need from the prophet today! I fully recommend him to be a speaker at any level of ministry. - Rev Theresa Phillips, Theresa Phillips Ministries
Wow! Jeremy Lopez has written a powerfully anointed book on the prophet and his/her ministry. I guarantee that you will be blessed by this book. Jeremy's book has substance rather than form, meat rather than bone and anointing rather than flesh. I love it! Jeremy has given us something worthy of the master's true prophetic ministry. I hope everyone interested in genuine prophetic ministry reads and takes to heart the things contained in this book. I know that I will. - Scott Wallis, Pastor of All Nations Worship Center
I have received two prophetic tapes from Prophet Jeremy. The first one was great and the second one had me crying with joy. I will continue to sow seeds into your ministry because it is awesome. The prophetic word was so accurate. - Jimmy Spencer #33 formerly of the Denver Broncos