You feel like you are alone and hopeless, but are you? Let's turn to the Scriptures to see what God has to say about this matter. We read in Hebrews 13:5, the latter part of this verse, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." God is saying to you that He will never abandon you, never leave you without help. He is not going to leave you. You say, "Becky, you don't understand my situation." And perhaps I don't, but I do know our Lord, and He is forever faithful and true. And if He says something, He means it.
Are you believing the lies of the enemy? Do you struggle to believe that God loves you? Do you feel like He has some master plan to harm you? The truth of the matter is that God is not against you, but unless you know the promises in His Word, you will believe the enemy's lies. To help you overcome the lies concerning God's will and ability to heal you, I have written up the following confession of faith to combat the enemy's lies that block your healing.
The Spirit of the living God would say to you this day, Dead bones must rise again! Shake off the sleep and the slumber. Press toward the mark of our high calling. Unleash the resurrection power of My Spirit within you. No longer be timid and shy. You have entered into a time when there is no turning back for My beloved - My church. I have empowered you for this time, this day and this moment. No longer will you remain silent as the world passes away. I have given you a voice; it is time to lift it up and use it for My glory.
The Lord spoke to me recently and said, "A deep cleansing is taking place. And I am cleansing from the foundations. Because My people who are called by My name are founded upon My rock, the rock of salvation. "Salvation goes to the very core of your spiritual being. And My people have been standing on shaky ground, and I will not stand still and allow My people to sink upon the sands of this world. "During this shaking, earthly things are falling apart. And during this shaking I say to you, hold on to the power of My Word. Have I not said to you from times of old, 'The grass withers and the flowers fade, but My Word lives forever.' My Word is eternal.
You feel as if life is spiraling out of control. Sickness has a strong grip on you. It's dominating the direction of your life. You wonder when you will be able to stop scraping the bottom of the barrel just to make ends meet. Let's not forget your children are rebelling against their godly upbringing. You don't know where to turn, and you don't know what you should do. The right thing to do is to get down on your knees and send Him a dispatch for help. His Word tells us that He will hear when we call out to Him (see Ps. 4:3). You read these words and think to yourself, "I am doing this, and still He doesn't respond." Second Corinthians 10:5 teaches us to take every thought into captivity. And then we need to be still, quiet ourselves and learn to listen.
Once was enough, but if I had to, I would willingly choose to do it again just for you. Most do not begin to understand the love that I have for each one of you. My love is not based upon feelings, but upon the foundation of love: Me. All the suffering I endured was for your good. You are the beneficiary of My goodness. And all My benefits I give to you. These benefits are not temporal, but they are eternal. My Word is forever, My promise is sure and My will is sealed with My blood.
You have heard me share a prophetic word from God about a tsunami wave of healing hitting the Western world. God told us that that no longer would His people ask, "Why not healing in the Western world?" He told us that in this wave there would be healing of all types, even unusual healings. He assured us that this healing wave was for everyone and anyone who was willing to get wet with this healing power. We were warned that along with this tsunami wave of healing there would be a strong undertow of unbelief, but that we were to keep our eyes fixed upon Him and expect to get wet.
Do you feel unsafe? Are you afraid? Have you received a disheartening medical report? God forewarns us that in this world we will have tribulation, meaning difficult times. Then He tells us to rejoice, not because of the difficult situations we are passing through, but that in Him we have the victory. One step to walk in this victory is to declare God's Word over the situation. Try this, it will help you to strengthen your faith for God's protection.
I will not be dismayed. I will not be afraid, for the Lord my God is with me. No matter what the report says, no matter what manifests upon my body, I believe in the healing report of my Lord. And by His healing stripes, my body is healed and made whole. I pick up my shield of faith, and the fiery darts of the enemy will not harm me. I sharpen my sword of the Spirit, and I declare only the report of the Lord. I will no longer utter man's report that is full of death and suffering. My feet are firmly planted in the Word of God, and no storm of the enemy will wash me away from this earth.
Something hurtful has happened to you, and you feel like you are all alone. Perhaps you are being attacked with sickness and disease and lack the physical strength to be with people. Maybe you lost a loved one and are struggling to heal from the real pain of grief. Or you may have been betrayed by a spouse or close friend. There are many reasons why we can feel all alone at times, and it is difficult to pick up the broken pieces and move forward again. If this is where you are at in life right now, I encourage you to spend time with the Lord every day, and meditate upon the following Scriptures and allow the healing process to begin.