A Season of Shaking is Here by Amber Picota

By Amber Picota
Things are shaking in the world today, and that which is built upon deception, lies, hate, and perversion is coming down. I want to preface by stating that this is not meant to be a spooky, weird, or scary prophetic word, even though I normally don't prophesy like this. Make sure and read to the end because God is good, and this shaking is good for us, good for the world, and good for the Body of Christ. There is a lot of shaking taking place in the world today. Not a physical shaking but a spiritual one.
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Things are shaking in the world today, and that which is built upon deception, lies, hate, and perversion is coming down.
I want to preface by stating that this is not meant to be a spooky, weird, or scary prophetic word, even though I normally don't prophesy like this. Make sure and read to the end because God is good, and this shaking is good for us, good for the world, and good for the Body of Christ.
There is a lot of shaking taking place in the world today. Not a physical shaking but a spiritual one. I wouldn't necessarily call this the "judgment" of God, as I am hearing others do, but rather this is a spiritual repercussion or "natural consequence" of hidden scandal.
When I say many things are shaking, I am speaking at a global level. Many Christians feel overwhelmed because it feels like so many bad things are happening at once. This senator was exposed for child molestation, that huge mega-church pastor gets a divorce and is exposed for infidelity and alcoholism, that person was exposed for sexual assault, racist remarks are being confronted instead of tolerated, a human-trafficking ring exposed.
I kept all of those things very generic and didn't use any names, but they are all things we are literally seeing in our headlines, on the news, and all around us right now. It's not that these things didn't used to exist. It's that they are being uncovered and exposed at an unprecedented rate.
Financial Scandal, Affairs, and Fraud, Oh My!
What we're seeing here is a spiritual Biblical principle in action: But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. Ephesians 5:13
This is not a time to be worried, afraid, or fearful. I do not believe that in this season of shaking that we are in any danger. I also don't believe that God is angrily shaking things. As I stated earlier, it's more of a natural consequence of the culmination of much deception, and also an answer to the cry of prayer we all have for God's Kingdom to be established.
Many fake palaces built on the pain and abuse of others are about to come toppling down. In fact, this has already begun but it's not quite finished yet.  Things that were done deceptively and in secret, are being brought to light. Light is shining in dark places like never before! That's why all these things are making the news at a higher intensity than usual. Even on a smaller scale, I'm seeing it everywhere I turn, in my friend's lives, at the churches we visit, and in families.
What the Lord revealed to me is that this isn't necessarily a bad thing, and for many of these people whose dark deeds are being exposed, a better way is up ahead of them. God is giving many of these people a chance for a fresh start.
Picture a house that wasn't built up to code: The electrician took shortcuts, did not follow proper protocol, and used cheap or faulty materials. The plumber cut corners and lazily put in pipes. Even the framework is subpar. The contractor got rotting wood, termite infested wood, and cheap flimsy wood to construct the frame, but then of course eventually drywall and insulation were put on top, and when they used top quality paint, and elaborate molding, and installed chandeliers, who would suspect what kind of terrible craftsmanship these beautiful finishes were covering up?
This house ends up looking luxurious on the outside, but a reckoning day will come because underneath those walls are secrets.
This is what we are seeing unfold, my friends.
In regards to the comparison I just made about the house where all the corners were cut, what do you think the best way to fix this house is? The best plan of action would be to tear the whole thing down and start over. You can't save a house that was built with the framework of deception.
Don't Be Fearful
This is not a word I put out to make people afraid. Even if you're reading this thinking, "Wow, my whole life is built on deception. I could very well be one of those people whose dark deeds are about to come to light," this is still a good news word. It's never too late to come clean with the people around you. Wouldn't you rather sleep soundly at night knowing that your metaphorical house isn't about to come crumbling down around you or burn down while you sleep?
What does this Mean for the Body of Christ?
It means restoration and rebuilding is about to become more necessary than ever. White washed tombs type of religious establishments are about to come crumbling down. This is good though because it will make way for us to establish God's Kingdom on Earth like never before.
In short, don't be fearful or nervous when you see all these dark deeds coming to light in leader's lives, or even on a smaller scale in your families. I believe the restoration and rebuilding of these lives will be remarkable because it will be a construction of LOVE, and with the intent to make the world a better place. Heaven is invading Earth. Some of these "deceptive buildings" have to come down first, but it's for the best, and God always offers restoration and reconciliation. 
Some of us are going to be called as rebuilders to come alongside friends, leaders and loved ones who decide they need to come out with deep dark secrets. Their palaces will crumble and it will be devastating to their friends and family, but those who are repentant (this means they genuinely change their mind about continuing in deception and they want freedom) will need help. They will need accountability to call them up higher. They will need people to love them and show them grace to restore them.
God is doing good things in the Earth today. Even this shaking is a good thing. Be ready to be used by God in this season!
Amber Picota

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