by Dr Connie Williams
Be Encouraged
I know
that we as a nation have been in a financial lesson for the past few
years, but this nation has been so out of balance concerning finances.
I along with this whole
family am simplifying my life. I enjoy "things" but I do not want the
added responsibility and upkeep of the things that are not relevant in
my life. If I am not utilizing and using my "things" I will give them to
someone who will. This goes for clothing as well as anything else I am
not using on a regular basis.
I bought a Cabin Cruiser from a drug dealer that was in jail.
It was a really good deal! My intention was to take the family to the
lake and enjoy some days of summer fun. I never even rode on that
boat!!! I just did not have the time nor did I have the desire so I
re-evaluated that boat. Now, I could sell the boat and apply the money
to something else, which is what my wisdom said to do, or I could give
it away.
Yes, he does want us to prosper and be healthy, but he also wants
prosperity to resonate in our "soul" or "mind" that we might balance our
lives with wealth as well as wisdom
A Testament to Giving
What did God want me
to do?
I thought about how much
money he has saved me and Granny Matt over the years. God only knows. I
gave the boat to him and told him God wanted to bless him for all the
things he does for other people including me. He was so moved, that
tears came to his eyes. After that someone gave him a four wheeler,
another fishing boat, and more. You would just not believe all the stuff
he has collected. Truly the law of reaping and sowing is so true!!!
People would give him all kinds of things that they said was broken and
could not be fixed. Before you would know it he would have it fixed and
working. So in the end he ends up with all of these things just for
being "Cheese". What a God we serve!!! What Cheese does in private, God
blesses him in the open. We all just stand amazed.
So…Long story short or as short as I can tell it, anything you are not using or wearing get rid of it. Clean your closets out, your mind out and your belongings out. I am not saying you can not have pretty things, I love pretty things. I am just saying weed out the things you know you need to get rid of, to make room for what God might want to send into your life. What are things if you spend all of your time looking after them, taking care of them, or worrying about them.
Simplify your life, your life style, and really enjoy the things you
have. Even the things that you might be saving for the next generation,
box them , label them, and put them up. I have a huge standing chest I
keep all the things for the next generation in, things for my nieces,
and grandchildren.
by Dr Connie Williams