Evangelism is a term very similar
to "Jihad" in terms of public relations. It is a term cherished by those of us
"inside" Christianity, but despised by those on the outside. Christians may
think "spreading the Gospel," but to others it means "socially awkward
situations where you pressure me to accept YOUR beliefs." Some on the
progressive side of Christianity have suggested we should just stop
proselytizing [converting] all together, conservatives often respond "What's
the purpose of our faith if aren't trying to spread it?" I suggest the problem
is the term, "evangelize" itself.
Brothers and Sisters, We Are NOT a Virus
Too often churches judge their
success by their growth, and Christians place internal value on their ability
to "convert" others. There is only one thing on this planet which exists for
the sole purpose of self-replication: a virus. More and more Christians are
realizing that following Christ isn't what doctrines we accept, but rather how
we live and who we ARE. You can persuade someone to "agree" with you in an
argument, but you can only change a person by showing them a new way to live,
and coming alongside them in that change.
The Power of Adoption
When most people think about the
term "adoption" we usually only think about a family adopting a child. However,
to "adopt" is "to bring into your family." Adopting a child is certainly the
most potent form of adoption, but there are many degrees after that. You can
adopt a single mother, and her children, into your family (speaking
relationally, not legally). You can adopt the alienated and lonely into your
social circles. You can adopt those outside your socio-economic status into
your community. Like adopting a child, it is a commitment to say that no matter
who they are, or what happens, they are family.
The Effectiveness of Hospitality
Hospitality is an intentional
decision to put the needs and comfort of others above our own. Sometimes this
means inviting those we are "uncomfortable" with into our homes, but often it
means visiting others in their homes, places, and environments which make US
uncomfortable. Either way, hospitality powerfully says "you are important and
of great value to me." Declaring people's own value to them is often the best
way to start sharing the Good News.
We Must Not Forget the Gospel is "Good
Please don't misunderstand me. I
am not saying "evangelism" is bad, but rather too easily misunderstood. Billy Graham
is still a hero of mine, showing the best meaning "classical" definition of the
word. But then there are others like Ray Comfort who use legal trickery, guilt,
and shame tactics to strong arm people into converting to his manifesto. Jesus
Christ showed us a new way to be human, a new way to love, and new way to live
and work FOR each other instead of against each other. Most of all, he showed
us we are loved. That is Good News!
Adoption and Hospitality Are Clear and
Effective Practices
Adoption and hospitality call us
to specifically put the needs of others above our own. They call us to commit
to the people and relationships we engage in, regardless of circumstances. They
call us lift up others and show them they are valued. Perhaps most importantly,
they challenge us to face our own sins, prejudices, selfishness, and
immaturity. Evangelism is often mistaken as "Christians to the rescue" but
adoption and hospitality understand that we heal each other. In the end, those
of us growing communities in the name of Jesus Christ should grow like a garden
instead of a virus.
Yaholo Hoyt
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