Angels of Humility (E-book PDF Download) by Jackie MacGirvin
Angels of Humility (E-book PDF Download) by Jackie MacGirvin
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Angels of Humility 

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by Jackie MacGirvin

Paul is a young seminary graduate called as interim pastor to a small rural church. He is full of zeal, but mainly for self-promotion. He sincerely loves Jesus, but past emotional wounds leave him craving attention and affirmation. He is easily led by demonic influences, especially Pride. His angel, Saldu, is regularly frustrated as he tries to guide Paul toward a more humble attitude.

Sarah is a recent widow who comes to Jesus at age 71 and joins Paul's church. She is not aware that she has two angels, one a worshipper, the other a warrior, to disciple her in hearing God's voice. Confused by her prophetic gifting, she accidentally offends some church members including Pastor Paul. Ostracized and alone she chooses daily obedience to God over people's acceptance. She battles the demons Rejection, Discouragement, Despair, and Loneliness in her daily attempts to please Him.

Through Paul and Sarah's examples you will see that the really wonderful news is that living a life that pleases God has nothing to do with grandiose accomplishments, popularity, or gritting your teeth and trying harder (again and again and again). God rewards you for simple, loving, serving actions throughout each mundane day. In this story lies the secret to one day hearing Jesus say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

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