Taking the Miracles to the Streets (CD/DVD Combo Teaching ) by Che Ahn
Taking the Miracles to the Streets (CD/DVD Combo Teaching ) by Che Ahn
SKU#: PROD28652
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Taking the Miracles to the Streets

(CD/DVD Combo Teaching)
by Che Ahn

CD teaching with a FREE bonus DVD

"Re-Opening Portals of Signs & Wonders" Conference
presented by Living Faith Ministries

Che and Sue Ahn
Senior Pastors

Che and his wife Sue Ahn are the Sr. Pastors of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California. Che and Sue have four adult children, Gabriel, Grace (and son in law Steve), Joy (and son in law Kuoching), and Mary.

Che is also founder and president of Harvest International Ministry, a worldwide apostolic network of over 5000 churches in over 35 nations with the common vision of "Changing Lives, Transforming Cities, and Discipling Nations."

Che received his M.Div and D.Min from Fuller Theological Seminary and has played a key role in many strategic local, national and international outreaches, including being the CEO of The Call, a youth prayer movement. Che is author of numerous books including Into The Fire, How To Pray For Healing, Fire Evangelism and Close Encounters of the Divine Kind. He travels extensively throughout the world, bringing apostolic insight with a Holy Spirit impartation of revival, healing and evangelism. Che is the host of the Holy Spirit Today Show" that is aired in
over 215 nations.

Product Details

Weight: 1 lbs.

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