Supernatural Ways of Royalty- (Audio book) by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton
Supernatural Ways of Royalty- (Audio book) by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton
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Supernatural Ways of Royalty

(Audio Book)

by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton

Uncover your true identity as a child of the King of Kings - A royal heir to the eternal Kingdom of God!

Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton denounce the &quote; pauper mentality & quote; many Christians have and present your royal inheritance through Christ’s ultimate act of redemption. As a member of God's royal family, you share in the King's power of grace and mercy. You can think and act with His authority. You hold royal qualities for future generations. You can have the confidence to promote honor and humility. Most of all, you can fulfill God's greatest call: to cultivate His love for one another. The author's personal, supernatural experiences will convince you of your own royal status and inspire you to claim your personal inheritance gift from your Father - the King of Kings.

Product Details

Weight: 2 lbs.

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