Conference Conclusion (MP3 Teaching Download) by Doug Fortune
Conference Conclusion (MP3 Teaching Download) by Doug Fortune
Conference Conclusion (MP3 Teaching Download) by Doug Fortune
SKU#: PROD46635
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Conference Conclusion
MP3 Teaching Download
By Doug Fortune

Doug Fortune's ministry is that of a teaching apostle and he is available to minister either individually or with a team. Through teaching present truths that are being revealed by the Holy Spirit, he is able to impart vision and practical spiritual substance to churches and leaders. This enables individuals and leaders that are hungry to bring themselves and their people to the 'place' God desires for them. These truths are more than informational, they are transformational.

Doug does not charge a fee to minister, but comes on a love-offering basis. We do ask that you provide for travel expenses and accomodations. He is willing to serve your ministry while trusting the Lord to meet the needs of IN CHRIST International. We are sensitive to your desires and particular situation, as our aim is to understand the specific needs of your group, so we may minister most effectively.

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