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So many of us have made a decision to follow Jesus yet so few us ever really experience the transforming life of Christ flowing through our lives on an ongoing basis. In the Bible we are clearly told that we have been made in His image, given His nature, and share His likeness. We are also told that we have been given through Christ dominion and authority over all things. Yet so few of us understand what this really means, much less see it at work in our daily lives.
When I sat down to write The Modern Fig Leaf and produce this course the motivation within my heart was to help every believer to see these realities at work within them as well as reflected in their walk with God. Over the years God has shown me that the biggest problem for most of his Children is that they don't understand who they are in Him. The enemy of our souls has worked very hard to keep us from seeing this as he knows that when do he will no longer have any hold on us. The shame and fear he has used so effectively with so many of us will suddenly be disabled as you walk in the complete freedom Jesus delivered to us through the cross.
This change we all desire comes when we truly understand within us that we are "known" by God and that our lives have his attention all of the time. This knowing is what allows the rest that is mentioned in the book of Hebrews to become a sudden reality within every moment we are alive. This newfound peace releases into our lives waves of faith that enables us to literally see mountains become rubble before our very eyes as we no longer stand as lucky servants but instead walk into the fullness of our true identity as a child of God.
If you are ready to have your eyes opened, your ears unstuck, your heart completely freed, your mind fully submitted to the mind of Christ, and your life and walk with God transformed then this is the course for you!

"I read Pablo's book "The Modern Fig Leaf" and as I came to the end I still felt like there was so much for me to gain from the book. I was so excited when I found out that he was going to put together a Study Course with videos called "Getting Undressed with God" to take me even deeper in the journey I am on in discovering who I truly am and how Amazing my Father's Love is for me. Many course promise much, however, this one is one that will definitely change your life and relationship with God."
Enjoying the Journey,
- Freda D
"This journey has stretched, challenged and refreshed me! I am experiencing the same freedom and revelation that have long been stuffed down within my life. My heart is being changed and discovered, as I search this out together with the Holy Spirit. Striving, stress and the performance-based mindset is falling away in the living truth of my journey. God, loves us just as we are, not as we should be. He will meet us right there because we will never be as we should be. His love has been there from the beginning. There is forming a fresh and relaxed peace in this truth, as we just let go and accept His unconditional love. This journey is a breath of fresh air for the heart."
Thank you God and thank you Pablo!
- Lysa J
Small Group Leader
Portland, Oregon