Never Been this Way Before by Randy Gladden

By Randy Gladden
Joshua's instructions to the people as they prepared to cross the Jordan river was to follow the Ark, the symbol of God's presence, because they had never been that way before. They were entering into new challenges that by God's leading would result in incredible blessings such as homes they hadn't built and fields they hadn't planted. Prophetically and practically, we are facing profound structural shifts that are altering our basic assumptions about prosperity, the economy and decision making.   They require us to follow the Spirit closely since we haven't been this way before.
Never Been this Way Before by Randy Gladden
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Joshua’s instructions to the people as they prepared to cross the Jordan river was to follow the Ark, the symbol of God’s presence, because they had never been that way before.
They were entering into new challenges that by God’s leading would result in incredible blessings such as homes they hadn’t built and fields they hadn’t planted.
Prophetically and practically, we are facing profound structural shifts that are altering our basic assumptions about prosperity, the economy and decision making.   They require us to follow the Spirit closely since we haven’t been this way before.
Just one example, by the year 2030, just a few years from now, over 75 million Americans will be over 65.  There will be more over 65 than under 18.  Of that 75 million, an estimated 70% will need some form of advanced care such as long-term care in their lifetimes.  But how will they pay for it?
By far the largest percentage of their wealth is tied up in their homes.  Economists are increasingly concluding that a long-term, gradual decline in home prices may be the result.
While this isn’t to suggest an imminent decline in home prices, we do begin to recognize the need to re-evaluate long standing assumptions.  And this is just one of the structural changes that lurks just below the surface. 
The point isn’t to create anxiety, but to highlight the need to be led by the Spirit.  Breaking the pattern of decisions based upon our assumptions and old paradigms.  With the very real expectation of prospering in every season.
In a time when it didn’t seem reasonable, Isaac sowed in the land and received a 100-fold increase.  We must display the same type of faith in the expectation of greater blessings.
Increasingly we will see those who apply faith to the Spirit’s direction receive exceptional blessings.  But relying on old paradigms will prove frustrating and disappointing.
Randy Gladden